S BMW E60 530i (2007) Newbie Saturday at 10:42 PM sejutawajah BMWCM Official Drives & Events Discussion on club's official drives and events. Threads 159 Messages 14K L BMW Malaysia Giveaways 2021 Dec 17, 2020 louiskee Announcements Important Announcement from BMW Club Malaysia Threads...
Little or nothing. I have not been able to muster any excitement or enthusiasm over a BMW since…the E39 went away and was replaced by the blobby, Pontiac-look-alike E60. Don’t get me wrong; BMWs since then have undoubtedly been very nice cars. But they’ve ...
Yes it will work on all 7.1 android units CCC, CIC and NBT Hi mate, I have a E60 BMW with the Avin 8.1 6 core 2GB unit, I have been watching videos on the new 9.0 UD7 and would like to update to this new one, is it possible to do? If so please could you assist? Is ther...