没错,一台移植了RB26引擎的BMW E36 M3! 和大家一样,第一眼看到这辆M3时,被它裸露、奔放的气场所折服。一辆极具年代感和情怀的车型竟蜕变的如此令人惊讶,可见车主在玩车方面深厚的造诣。 BMW E36 M3,对于大多数车迷们而言,它是宝马M车型的经典之作,演绎了直列六缸的美好时代。而在这台E36 M3身上,流露出的...
当BMW携带S65 V8引擎再度参赛之日,保时捷再也无力阻止BMW登顶。S54同时也是BMW M第一代横扫各大奖项的引擎。其赢得了international engine of the year的3.0升组连续六年。这才是真正的直列六缸引擎。排量:3.2升 马力:343hp 扭矩:364Nm 轮上马力:280hp 轮上扭矩:318Nm ...
At first glance, the BMW M3 E36 is perhaps the most inconspicuous of the entire M3 series. Especially when compared to its direct predecessor, it embodies surprising understatement. In terms of technology and comfort, however, the innovative concept sets
改装清单: Engine Toyota 3.0L 2JZ-GTE VVTI-i JE 9.5:1 forged pistons Manley Turbo Tuff Pro I-beam rods Calico coated bearings ARP main studs ported head, Kelford V202D cams GSCvalveseals, Supertech valve springs Supertech nitrided exhaust valves Titan Motorsports head studs Garrett GTX3584RS t...
In 2018, the BMW M3 CS is manufactured for just three months, with an engine adding an additional 7 kW (10 hp) to bring it to 338 kW (460 hp). The BMW M3 (G80) has been available since 2021 with a radically different appearance from the standard sedan due to its large, high-sta...
Initially powered by a 3.0L inline six engine, models after 1995 were fitted with an enlarged 3.2L version of the original engine, although the S52 3.2L offered in North America only had 240hp as opposed to the European S50 3.2L engine's 316hp. A few notable E36 M3 variants were made...
讲完了相对「原装」的部分,便要开始迈入改装的领域,各位千万不要以为35岁的阿公只能在公园散步,这部E30 M3完全就是钢铁爷爷的运动设定,车主不仅换上了狗腿式的变速箱,底盘项目也相当紧绷。动力系统方面维持原先的四缸配置,但是换上了MoTeC全取代电脑、Alpha/ N airbox、2.5 engine kit、High cam等,让这部车...
International engine of the year:0 6S50B32/S52 这是一个相当有争议的引擎,很多E36车主们肯定不会同意。在那个年代,美国E36车主确实拿到了一台BMW M引擎,但是这台引擎不是真正的BMW M引擎。 这台“美国特供”的S52引擎只是一台升级版本的M52。输出也仅仅只有240hp。相比之下,欧洲的车主们拿到的是一台代号为...
讲完了相对「原装」的部分,便要开始迈入改装的领域,各位千万不要以为35岁的阿公只能在公园散步,这部E30 M3完全就是钢铁爷爷的运动设定,车主不仅换上了狗腿式的变速箱,底盘项目也相当紧绷。动力系统方面维持原先的四缸配置,但是换上了MoTeC全取代电脑、Alpha/ N airbox、2.5 engine kit、High cam等,让这部车在山路...
International engine of the year:0 6. S50B32/S52 这是一个相当有争议的引擎,很多E36车主们肯定不会同意。在那个年代,美国E36车主确实拿到了一台BMW M引擎,但是这台引擎不是真正的BMW M引擎。 这台“美国特供”的S52引擎只是一台升级版本的M52。输出也仅仅只有240hp。相比之下,欧洲的车主们拿到的是一台代号...