BMW 3系Compact系列最早诞生于1994年,首先基于E36车型推出。它的意图在于和大众Golf形成直接竞争关系,同时进一步拉低BMW的门槛,使其成为当时最便宜的BMW车型。虽然“Compact”意为紧凑,但是动力系统上并不含糊,从1.6L到2.5L汽油机都有搭载。其中搭载2.5L直列六缸的325ti车型最大马力可达192匹马力。还别急着咂...
1993-2000 BMW 3-Series Compact (E36/5) 1994-1999 316i 1999-2000 316g 1994-1998 318ti 1997-2001 323ti 1995-2001 318tds Suspension Performance Front Kit - 75536 PN75536 $1200.00 $1020.00 Pay over time withAffirm. See if you qualify at checkout. ...
The E36 was the first generation to feature the 3 Series Compact hatchback, although only the 318Ti variant was available in North America. E36 variants included the 316i, 318i, 318is, 318tds, 320i, 323i, 323is, 325i, 325is, 325tds, 328i, and 328is, while the most notable ...
车型发动机号年款318iS/Coupe(E36)194S1(M44)1996-2000318tiCompact(E36)194S1(M44)1996-2001Z31.9i194S1(M44)1996-1999 318tiCompact(E36) 194S1(M44) 气门正时调节步骤 1.发动机在第一缸上止点位置。2.确保凸轮轴凸角相对(如图中1所示)且箭头方向朝上(如图中2所示)。3.确保凸轮轴定位孔3向上。4.插...
The E36 BMW mailing list(digest only), to subscribe send mail to:E-MAILwith the subject line blank and "subscribe e36" in the body of the message. TheE36-Digest web siteis up and running. The 318ti Compact BMW mailing listSubscription information is on it's ...
ti曾在E36和E46一代的3系上短暂回归,E46 325ti Compact便是其中一款,Compact系列包括316ti、318ti、325ti和320td,分别搭载1.6、1.8、2.5升汽油和2.0升柴油发动机。 其中的顶级型325ti搭载的直列6缸引擎动力充沛。宝马3系的Compact车型在E90时期,被E87的1系取代。
318ti Compact(E36) 车型发动机号318i S/Coupe(E36)19 4S 1 (M44)318 ti Compact(E36)19 4S 1 (M44)Z3 9、1.9i19 4S 1 (M44)气门正时调节步骤1.发动机在第一缸上止点位置。2.确保凸轮轴凸角相对(如图中1所示)且箭头方向朝上(如图中2所示)。3.确保凸轮轴定位孔3向上。4.插入飞轮正时销4。5...
First Generation E36/7 M Roadster E36/8 M Coupe Here are some of BMW’s list of Luxury models: Brilliance BS6 BMW Hydrogen 7 Here are some of BMW’s list of Mid-size models: BMW 321 BMW 320 Here are some of BMW’s list of Compact models: BMW 3 Series Compact BMW F3 Here ...
(1988 - 1995) 5 SeriesBMWE36—(1991-1999)3Series/Z3(asE36/7)(1999modelasM3only)BMWE36/5—(1995-1998)3SeriesCompact(USmarketknownas'318ti'BMWE38—(1994-2001)7SeriesBMWE39—(1996-2003)5SeriesBMWE46/5—(2000-2004)3SeriesCompactBMWE46/4 — (1998-2005) 3 Series SedanBMWE46/3 — (...
3 Compact (E36) 318 tds M41 D18 (Inter.) 1665 66 4 Hatchback 1995-2000 3 Compact (E36) 318 ti M42 B18 1796 103 4 Hatchback 1994-1995 BMW 3 Convertible (E36) 1993/03-1999/04 3 Convertible (E36) 318 i M43 B18 1796 85 4 Convertible 1994-1999 3 Convertible (E36) 320 i M52...