遊戲規則是,如果有收到一萬名連署,Lego Ideas就會推出該款車款的樂高版。如今Lego想推出的則是被車迷暱稱為老鯊的BMW E30 M3。談到E30 M3絕對稱得上BMW一代名駒,早期與M.Benz E190 的經典對決至今依舊為車迷所稱道。 BMW的E30車系時程自1982~1991年,而E30 M3則是為了德國房車錦標賽所推出的作品。所使用的2....
Thirty-five years after the launch of the very first M -- the legendary E30 M3 -- and 33 years after its arrival on U.S. shores, the 6th generation of M3 and 2nd generation M4 deliver uncompromised street and track capabilities for which the model line has become well-known G8...