近日,外媒再次曝光了一组全新 BMW 2 Series Gran Coupe的谍照。也就是宝马2系 四门版,在定位上新车将会对标奔驰CLA等车型。动力方面,我们预计一款2.0升涡轮增压发动机将提供255马力(190千瓦)发动机,除此之外将配备更大马力的的直列六缸发动机将作为升级产品。#汽车##汽车资讯# ...
A more striking design, LED headlights and an all-new interior take sporting flair and quality feel to another new level. The BMW 2 Series Coupe and BMW 2 Series Convertible have raised the bar in the premium compact class in terms of dynamic prowess, ae
BMW 2 Gran Coupe dimensions with interior photos, boot space and measurements of length, width and height. Comparison with similar cars in size.
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