KTM DUKE 390 VS BMW G310R 都是欧系单缸运动街车,相煎何太急呢?说真的,KTM的狂野,是来自于这个品牌的灵魂,打从起家就是个“野孩子”,你说要做到多中规中矩的,对于KTM而言都是假道学。只有充分展现个性与气势才是真的。但反观BMW,虽然G310R产于印度,但在外观设计中其实不难发现这间巴伐利亚的车厂对于...
【腾讯视频】: 2018 BMW 宝马 G310 R vs KTM 390 Duke_腾讯视频致力于打造中国领先的在线视频媒体平台,以丰富的内容、极致的观看体验、便捷的登录方式、24小时多平台无缝应用体验以及快捷分享的产品特性,主要满足用户在线观看视频的需求。
玩乐性与马力虽然不能说呈正比,但既然都冠上了「街头小霸王」之名,KTM以44匹马力压过BMW的34匹,但考虑排气量差了一大截的基础上,不能说G310R输了,只能说KTM在排气量的计较上略胜一筹! G310R整体而言更亲民但不失街头小霸王的名头 整体来说,这两款街头小霸王分别在两个不同的领域战斗,想要带点野性的朋友选...
BMW G310R采用湿式离合器。 灯光 KTM 250 DUKE采用了辨识度很高的卤素大灯+LED日间行车灯的组合,尾灯方面采用全LED的配置。 ▲BMW G310R卤素前大灯 油箱 KTM 250 DUKE采用金属油箱,容量达到13.4升。 ▲BMW G310R11L油箱,比250DUKE 要小。 轮胎 新车标配米其林Pilot Street Radial轮胎,前轮为110/70 R 17 M...
The updated 2021 BMW G310R is a bike which is always compared to the KTM 390 Duke. The complete comparison of the vehicle is live on our channel. In this review I will be explaining you about why spending Rs 2.99 lakhs for a bike which has its flaws is worth it. ...
BMW bike price starts from Rs. 2,90,000. BMW offers 25 new models in India with the most popular bikes being S1000RR, R 1300 GS Adventure, G310 RR, G 310 R and G 310 GS. The upcoming bikes of BMW are F 450 GS and R nineT Racer
BMW G 310 R, BMW S 1000 RR, BMW S 1000 XR, BMW F 900 R and BMW HP4 Race are the most popular BMW Sport models among Indonesia Bikes buyers. The lowest-priced model is BMW G 310 R 2025 priced at Rp 144,9 Juta and the most expensive one is BMW R 1300 GS Adventure 2025, ...
BMW G310GS | Test Ride | Offroader Nyaman | OTO.com 20 Mar, 2018 First Impression BMW G 310 GS I OTO.com 25 Jan, 2018 IN THE SPOTLIGHT: The new BMW G 310 GS 22 Jan, 2018 Explore Similar Bikes Colors Color Exterior video
I love my other BMW bike, and the life-span/durability and service has been generally excellent. With the S1000R its been a whole different story. Ride quality & brakes 5 out of 5 Engine 5 out of 5 Reliability & build quality 2 out of 5 Value vs rivals 3 out of 5 Equipment...
roads, then moving to rocky Jeep track, then finally some actual two-track trails and almost single track, we wanted to push the boundaries of what the G310GS can do without being overly abusive. After all, we need to keep in mind that this is a sub six-grand bike with a street ...