Accentuate your own character with genuine exclusivity: this is precisely what BMW Individual aspires to. Whether you are seeking a special colour or exclusive materials, you can provide a perfect figure for your inspirations. With an automobile that mat
All the highlights from BMW Individual: unique paint finishes, leather upholstery, interior trims and exclusive design elements. Discover and configure now.
Yet it blazes an individual trail with its styling. And not many members of this class have such driving talents, the main rival in this respect being the Porsche Panamera. We hate to use marketing jargon, but the 7 Series really is a disruptor. Like the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, the only...
宝马7系百年定制版车型(The BMW Individual 7 Series THE NEXT 100 YEARS)。为了纪念宝马品牌诞生100年,宝马讲述了100个故事,展示了未来的出行概念车,并推出了100台极具意义的宝马7系百年定制版车型。 中国上市的全新BMW 7系未来百年特别版,以BMW 740LexDrive插电式混合动力打造。在中国,配额仅仅为6台,在偌大的...
宝马7系百年定制版车型(The BMW Individual 7 Series THE NEXT 100 YEARS)。为了纪念宝马品牌诞生100年,宝马讲述了100个故事,展示了未来的出行概念车,并推出了100台极具意义的宝马7系百年定制版车型。 中国上市的全新BMW 7系未来百年特别版,以BMW 740LexDrive插电式混合动力打造。在中国,配额仅仅为6台,在偌大的...
All highlights of the BMW 7 Series M70 (G70): Model, equipment, technical data, prices and services. Discover and build now.
2023 BMW 7-Series individual 宝马7系 责连势伤困4iy发布时间:08-20 21:02 0 全部评论 (0) 暂无评论相关车 宝马7系 宝马 91.90-126.90万 查报价单 销量排行榜 总榜单 Model Y 24.99-35.49万 全国销量48202 查报价单 海鸥 6.98-8.58万 全国销量47915 查报价单 宋PLUS新能源 12.98-18.98万 全国销量...
It might have a face only a mother could love, but the 2024 BMW 7-series sedan has an interior that's built to impress every driver and passenger.
Customize a BMW 7 Series Sedan with luxurious elements and style that match your taste. Build and price based on engine type, performance features, packages, and custom design.
Individual design Design and equipment packages available from the launch of the all-new BMW 7 Series underline the car’s extra sportiness and luxurious comfort. The exclusive appearance of the new BMW 7 Series is further enhanced by the Interior Design Package, an Alcantara headliner, deep-pile...