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Choose options to include in this vehicle value. Next Options Tip For the most accurate pricing and values on new or used vehicles, select the optional features on the vehicle. These extra features can add up to a much higher price. If you are buying a vehicle, consider whether the option...
All-new for the 2014 model year, the 640i xDrive Convertible, Coupe, and Gran Coupe joined the 6 Series family to complete the 6 series line-up. All 6 Series models received the next generation Navigation Professional system with faster processing, an enhanced design, and several great new ...
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BMW 全新G30 5 Series 发表问世,系属相同底盘基础的6 Series 也开始动身准备改款。6 Series 作为BMW 旗下定位最为高端的轿跑车型,虽然基础底盘与中大型房车5 Series 共用,但透过更低扁流线的轮廓与设计语汇,满足顶尖自驾消费族群需求与渴望而获得欢迎。然而,随着车系产品年龄已老,新一代车型也随着全新基础底盘的...
Specifications: Material Type: High-quality ABS Suitable For Lamp: Headlights Compatibility: Specifically designed for BMW 6 Series M6 F13 (2010-2014) Design and Style: Transparent lampshade with a sleek, modern look Performance and Property: Durable, dust-proof, and waterproof Installation: Easy to...
BMW 6 Series E63 / E64 (2004 ~ 2010) BMW 6 Series E63 / E64 (2004 ~ 2010 ) MTM Power 台灣訂價 630i (258 hp / 30.6 kgm) 280 hp / 33.3 kgm $37,500 630i (265 hp / 30.6 kgm) 283 hp / 30.6 kgm $37,500 645i (333 hp / 45.9 kgm) 356 hp / 49.5 kgm $45,000 650i...
BMW 6-Seri..在我的BMW收藏中, 除去3系,5系,蛋车Isetta ,M1花车,Z(3,4,8)系,X(3,5,6)系,这样的各大派系家族之外,在不知不觉中,小六们不断添丁生口,现已人丁兴旺,再加上即将预定入族的
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