宝马推出的第一款M车型是1978年在巴黎车展亮相的宝马M1,不过M1并不适合日常的代步需求,反而更像是一台弱化了的赛车。不过,1979年M535i的到来直接改变了宝马M车系的方向,作为中级轿车5系的高性能版本,M535i兼顾了性能与日常通勤需求。1993年,BMW Motorsport Gmbh(宝马摩托车运动股份有限公司)正式更名为BMW M...
MST-Performance 3月26日 17:35 来自微博weibo.com 等待很久的等待很久的 BMW 535i 进气套件正式上市!BW-53501 —— 2011-2016 BMW F10/11 535i N55 短进气套件我们重新设计了进气管路,把原厂位于引擎上方的滤芯移除,将进气套件迁移到左大灯后方。进气位置更靠近涡轮,将进气路径大幅缩短,提升涡轮增压油门反应...
BMW has announced a new product range that will bridge the gap between the company's ordinary cars and its fabled M Division. It will be called BMW M Performance Automobiles, and to better understand what it will offer, consider the original BMW M535i of 1980 (above). That landmark car...
The M Performance Exhaust is available for the 535i. Developed using state-of-the-art CAD and FEM technology, the stainless steel exhaust improves both the sound and the performance of the 535i. The unique chrome exhaust tips are laser-engraved with the M...
They might have been borne in the fires of the original M535i way back in the eighties, but today's star is a different kind of six. That new 3.0-litre diesel packs three turbochargers: two small ones and a larger turbo. The lower inertia of the smaller turbos is used to deliver "...
车展内外实拍2014宝马BMW 535i xDrive M-Sport Line 上传者:Aries_Gao 01:53 宝马BMW 335i xDrive M Performance 0-100KM_H加速实录 上传者:Aries_Gao 06:44 2014芝加哥车展 实拍2014宝马BMW X5 sDrive 35i M-Performance 上传者:Aries_Gao 03:49 ...
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宝马在1979年推出了第一代M535i(E12)... 然并卵,于是很快停产了... 1983年推出的M635i、1985年推出的M5、1986年推出的M3... 这三款车真正的撑起了80年代的M部门... 而且靠1986年推出的M3,BMW M真正打出了天下! 为什么... 因为在1986年原油价格跌回了8美元/桶...石油危机结束了!
Sure, the M1 has been vindicated a hundred times over, but then so has Van Gogh. And he still died penniless. Give some respect to the M535i, a legend in its own time. Advertisement - Page continues below E24 M635CSi: hit BMW clearly wasn’t completely wedded to the whole ‘M + ...
在F世代的时候,535这个序号还仅属于5系的旗舰,彼时的它搭载一颗N55直六发动机,虽然在改装潜力方面不及它的前辈N54,但故障率确实更低了,并且对于5系这样的行政级轿车来说,如此动力也足够车主肆意挥霍了——如今在国内的二手车市场中还存在着极少量进口版本的,符合国五排放标准的535i xDrive,那可是不少Bimmer心中"...