r 1250 rt 旅行系列 <p>作为旅途的绝佳伴侣,r 1250 rt 与你一样,是天生热爱追逐和渴望速度感的高手。搭载bmw shiftcam 可变凸轮轴系统水平对置发动机,无论是在平敞的乡村道路上,还是在蜿蜒的山路上,深入肌理的动力始终强劲充沛。更动感灵巧的全新前脸设计有着锐不可当的凌厉气势,硕大的 10.25英寸 tft 彩色显示...
高位排气管增加了车辆的涉水性能,不过其造型与2017款车型相比没有发生明显变化。 在2018款R1200GS上首次搭载的6.5寸TFT全彩显示屏延续至R1250GS的配置单中,两者唯一的差别在于R1250GS全系标配此配置;R1250GS车机所搭载的移动互联系统增加了骑行时的娱乐性,虽然BMW的车机系统相比KTM、DUCATI起步晚了那么一步,但后发...
R 1250 RT Tour <p>The R 1250 RT is the perfect companion for your tour: Its legendary BMW ShiftCam Boxer engine pulls just as powerfully over country roads as it does over winding mountain passes. Its updated front end makes it look more dynamic and slimmer. On the other hand, there ...
R1250RT Sport R1250RT Triple Black Model Notes BMWNote VINTAGE - 1923-1944 Due to the rarity of these years and models of BMW, pricing data is still being collected(see auction results section). Pricing for pre-war BMW is based on limited data. ...
</p> learn more r 1250 rt tour <p>the r 1250 rt is the perfect companion for your tour: its legendary bmw shiftcam boxer engine pulls just as powerfully over country roads as it does over winding mountain passes. its updated front end makes it look more dynamic and slimmer. on the ...
In June, Authorized BMW Motorrad dealer, Long Beach BMW Motorcycles, delivered it’s 2,000th Authority BMW motorcycle, a BMW R 1250 RT-P, to the Law Enforcement Community. BMW Motorrad BMW Motorrad presents the R 1300 GS Trophy Competition and F 900 GS Trophy ...
该活动主要影响宝马最重要的车型:GS车型。具体来说,来自2013年以来制造的R 1200 GS、R 1250 GS,均为K50型,以及各自的冒险型K51型。此外,还有正式版RT,K52型。 根据宝马给经销商的信息:“近期重要服务活动-改装后摇臂中的排水系统并...
</p> learn more r 1250 rt tour <p>the r 1250 rt is the perfect companion for your tour: its legendary bmw shiftcam boxer engine pulls just as powerfully over country roads as it does over winding mountain passes. its updated front end makes it look more dynamic and slimmer. on the ...
De nieuwe BMW R 1250 GS en BMW R 1250 RT, dé reis- en toermotor, worden voorzien van nieuwe motortechnologie. De verder ontwikkelde boxer met BMW ShiftCam technologie biedt meer vermogen over het gehele toerenbereik, lagere emissies, een lager brandstofverbruik en soepeler én verfi...