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BMW😎😎#竞速 #游戏 #神力科莎 #assettocorsa - Assetto Corsa于20240408发布在抖音,已经收获了33.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
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Dear ACC racers! ACC v1.8 major update is out now on Steam, it brings many improvements and the new BMW M4 GT3 2022! Please Refresh your Steam client in order to download and install the update! ___ v1.8.0 Changelog GENERAL: - Updated project to
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the BMW M8 GTE and the BMW Z4 GT3. The developers at iRacing received a large amount of real data for this, which was also used for the development of the real vehicles. BMW M Motorsport vehicles are also integrated into simulations and games such as Assetto Corsa Competizione, Forza Moto...
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