American Capital Energy & Infrastructure 今天宣布,该公司位于加勒比海和中美的增长平台企业 BMR Energy, LLC 已经完成了针对牙买加 36 MW 风力发电项目的融资。 马里兰州安纳波利斯2015年1月28日电 /美通社/ -- American Capital Energy & Infrastructure ("ACEI") 今天宣布,该公司位于加勒比海和中美的增长平台企业 ...
Solar Energy Storage The BMR Wind Farm is a hugely positive step forward. Here’s to building and investing in more projects and continuing to improve the environment. Sir Richard Branson Virgin Group I am very pleased and I wish to endorse what is happening here; endorse the company BMR...
The St. Croix park has been operating at less than 45% capacity for almost a year. BMR is acquiring the asset from NRG Energy Inc (NYSE:NRG), including the solar farm’s power purchase agreement (PPA) with VI WAPA. The company has already started repairing damage and replacing inverters....