资源1:BMJ Learning 在线学习 (简称 Learning)专业的在线学习资源,由临床相关领域专家撰写,经严苛的循证方法学编辑和同行评议审定;适宜中国医学院校本科三年级以上医学生、临床专业研究生和临床规培生、全科培训生使用;共有700多个互动学习模块(其中中文240多个),涵盖19个临床学科,并包含多个非临床内容模块(如团...
在AI 生成的标题中,唯一被评为最合理和最有趣的标题是“免费美味咖啡对急诊科等待时间的影响:一项观察性研究”(The effects of free gourmet coffee on emergency department waiting times: an observational study)。作者表示,他们很有可能会提交至 2022 年的 BMJ 圣诞专刊。 人类和机器的决策都受到输入质量和数量...
Curious, better technique, more effective, keep learning. Darek, the founder and physio mentor of BMJ Physiotherapy clinic began his physiotherapy journey 20 years ago in a UK university. It was in Manchester where he was intrigued by the body healing ability and how we can influence the body...
AllMCQ modulesare hosted on BMJ Learning and are free to access for BSG members and journal subscribers. Browse papers with MCQs Latest Articles Gut microbiota: Dietary whey protein protects against Crohns disease by orchestrating cross-kingdom interaction between the gut phageome and bacteriome ...
Given the prevalence of patient-engaged improvement, learning more about the leadership roles of patients within improvement teams is an opportunity for future exploration. The context of Ginsburg et al’s paper is a multisite improvement collaborative. As this becomes an increasingly prevalent approach...
Reverse mentoring-never stop learning. January 11, 2023 [ MEDLINE Abstract ] [ Full-text from Publisher's Site ] England gets 900 new training posts-but will doctors stay? January 11, 2023 [ MEDLINE Abstract ] [ Full-text from Publisher's Site ] Waiting lists: the return of a...
“You can be antiracist by building awareness through learning and listening, without challenging someone else’s experience by sharing your own. Recognise that your career path may have had fewer obstacles and may not be aligned to the experience of others. Be an active bystander and an active...
This app can be downloaded by those who have access to the BMJ Best Practice website, and have already set-up a username and password. Don’t have a subscription? Download the app and access a free 7 day trial. The app provides: ...
Abstract/FREE Full TextGoogle Scholar ↵ Tallack C, Charlesworth C, Kelly E, McConkey R, Rocks S. The bigger picture: learning from two decades of changing NHS care in England.Health Foundation, 2020. doi:10.37829/HF-2020-RC10 CrossRefGoogle Scholar ↵ UK Government. Plan for change: ...
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