A warm welcome to BMJ Leader , the official journal of the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM). Since its inception in 2011, FMLM has endeavoured to promote excellence in clinical leadership. The creation of BMJ Leader is an important next step in realising that aim. As ...
《Bmj Leader》国际简称:Bmj Leader,是由出版商BMJ Publishing Group出版的一本致力于发布--研究新成果的的专业学术期刊。主要发表刊登有创见的学术论文文章、行业最新科研成果,扼要报道阶段性研究成果和重要研究工作的最新进展,选载对学科发展起指导作用的综述与专论,
BMJ Leader is an international peer-reviewed journal focused on leadership development in the healthcare field. This magazine is published by BMJ Publishing Group and aims to promote the empowerment of healthcare leaders and explore the important role of leadership in healthcare. The journal content...
2023年6月,爱思唯尔(Elsevier)和科睿唯安(Clarivate)分别发布了2022年度的CiteScore指标及《期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports),BMJ旗下期刊综合表现持续保持稳健增长态势,其中包括: BMJ旗下被JCR收录的期刊中,近40%在所属领域排名前十,60%位列领域前25%(第一分区),90%位列领域前50%; 旗舰刊The BMJ影响...
7 Journal of Sports MedicineHeart 8 BMJ Quality & SafetyArchives of Diseases in Childhood 9 ADC: Fetal & Neonatal 10 ADC: Education & Practice 11 BMJ Global Health 12 BMJ Case Reports 13 BMJ Innovations 14 BMJ Evidence-based MedicineBMJ Leader 15 BMJ Open Diabetes Research & CareBMJ ...
2023年6月,爱思唯尔(Elsevier)和科睿唯安(Clarivate)分别发布了2022年度的CiteScore指标及《期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports),BMJ旗下期刊综合表现持续保持稳健增长态势,其中包括: BMJ旗下被JCR收录的期刊中,近40%在所属领域排名前十,60%位列领域前25%(...
BMJ Quality & Safety is an international peer-reviewed journal covering the science of improvement across healthcare service and provision.
A proportion of responses will, after editing, be published online and in the print journal as letters, which are indexed in PubMed. Rapid responses are not indexed in PubMed and they are not journal articles. The BMJ reserves the right to remove responses which are being wilfully mis...
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical PracticeGBR26%similarity34 International Journal of Risk and Safety in MedicineNLD26%similarity35 BMC MedicineGBR26%similarity36 BMJ Quality and SafetyGBR26%similarity37 JAMA Internal MedicineUSA26%similarity38 Pilot and Feasibility StudiesGBR26%similarity39 BMJ LeaderGBR...