影响因子(Impact Factor, IF)是衡量学术期刊影响力的核心指标,基于期刊过去两年内发表的论文在统计年份中被引用的总次数除以同期发表的论文总数得出。例如,BMJ在2022-2023年发表的论文若在2024年被引用总次数达到93.6倍于其两年内发表的论文总数,则其影响因子即为93.6。该指标反映了期刊研究成...
Impact Factor:5.9 Citescore:9.8 All metrics >> The Journal encourages research and debate about improving the quality and safety of healthcare. It is led by patient-focused editors who seek to help a wide range of international readers — including clinicians, researchers, patients, improvement pr...
Impact Factor:3.6 Citescore:7.6 All metrics >> Journal of Medical Genetics(JMG) is a leading international peer-reviewed journal covering original research in human genetics, including reviews of and opinion on the latest developments. Articles cover the molecular basis of human disease including germ...
Impact Factor:3.7 Citescore:9.3 All metrics >> BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care is an open access journal committed to publishing high-quality basic and clinical research articles regarding type 1 and type 2 diabetes and associated complications. Submissions are subject to rigorous external peer re...
Impact Factor < 5 Scite Index 0.855-Year SI SJR Q1Medicine (all) SNIP 1.29 6 Time to Publish View Chart 7Mo Journal Specifications Indexedin the following public directories Web of Science Scopus DOAJ SJR Overview Publisher BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP ...
Impact Factor:11.8 Citescore:27.1 All metrics >> British Journal of Sports Medicine(BJSM) is a multimedia portal for authoritative original research, systematic reviews, consensus statements and debate in sport and exercise medicine (SEM). We define sport and exercise medicine broadly. ...
Impact Factor: 7.1Citescore: 11.4All metrics >> BMJ Global Health is an open access, online journal dedicated to publishing high-quality peer-reviewed content relevant to those involved in global health, including policy makers, funders, researchers, clinicians and frontline healthcare workers. BMJ ...
documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) ...
Impact Factor:3.4 Citescore:4.6 All metrics >> BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health is an international journal that promotes evidence-informed practice for contraception, abortion and all aspects of sexual and reproductive health. The journal publishes research papers, topical debates and commentaries to ...
Impact Factor:2.5 Citescore:5.3 All metrics >> Injury Prevention publishes original research, opinion, debate, and special features on the prevention of unintentional, and intentional (violence-related) injuries from a public health perspective, across multiple settings and contexts. Injury Prevention is...