A journal publishing case reports in all medical disciplines, including general medicine, drug interaction and adverse reactions. The largest online collection of medical case reports.
BMJ CASE REPORT --与急性心肌梗死相似的蛛网膜下腔出血 一位54岁有高血压病史的肥胖妇女,因头痛,呕吐拨打救护服务。心电图发现弥漫性ST段抬高(图1A)。院前...
打了个喷嚏,就上了顶刊。这是 BMJ Case Report 在本月发表的一篇最新报告:一名 30 岁的年轻小伙只因憋了一个喷嚏,就把自己意外送进了急诊…… 图源:参考资料 1 首次报告:憋了个喷嚏,气管就「炸」了 患者男性,30 岁,具有过敏性鼻炎病史。据医生追问,该名患者在驾驶途中有感觉到有喷嚏,于是试图采取捏住鼻子...
【标题】A twist of fate with a turn of neck 【描述】 45岁男性患者,主诉右侧头痛、颈部疼痛、视觉模糊、呕吐、麻木以及右半侧肢体无力。经过问诊发现,患者2周前曾由一名专业的按摩师进行颈部按摩,按摩过程中曾出现短暂的意识丧失。查体:意识清醒、警觉,脉搏血压稳定,右侧偏身轻瘫及感觉缺失。 颅部MRI显示:...
打了个喷嚏,就上了顶刊。这是 BMJ Case Report 在本月发表的一篇最新报告:一名 30 岁的年轻小伙只因憋了一个喷嚏,就把自己意外送进了急诊…… 图源:参考资料 1 首次报告:憋了个喷嚏,气管就「炸」了 患者男性,30 岁,具有过敏性鼻炎病史。据医生追问,该名患者在驾驶途中有感觉到有喷嚏,于是试图采取捏住鼻子...
The entrapped twin: a case of fetus-in-fetu No.25 Intermittent bursts of abdominal wall jerky movements: belly dancer’s syndrome? 问 什么是<BMJ Case Reports>? 答 <BMJ Case Reports> 是世界上最大的单体病例报告库以及简明的同行评审病例报告合集,涉及多个学科的丰富病例,致力于帮助医疗工作者、研究...
a temporal incision, with excellent clinical and laboratory space,2 but rarely invade tissue superior to this, as in this case. In this location, the origin of the abscess may be Figure 1 Redness and swelling periorbital and in the temple region. Only minor trismus and very modest symptoms...
The covid-19 pandemic should have taught us that there's no time to lose when it comes to responding to emerging disease threats, writes Boghuma K Titanji Outbreaks of monkeypox virus (MPXV) in non-endemic countries have grown steadily in recent weeks, causing increasing international concern...
Or click the "input" button to write name of targets. Named targets can be saved to a file for later use, and you can read targets from files. Schedule in a Service Window For systems that you cannot patch or reboot during work hours it is practical to schedule updates and reboots ...
men with unexpected weight loss are three times as likely as men without unexpected weight loss to have a diagnosis of cancer within three months and are twice as likely to receive a diagnosis within six months; women with unexpected weight loss are twice as likely to have a diagnosis of can...