Read the editorial from Editor-in-Chief, Huw Dorkins:JMG at 60. Discover theSix at Sixty collection,a series of commentaries by the authors of some of our most widely read articles, reflecting on the work they reported and subsequent developments in that area. ...
BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care is published by BMJ in partnership with theAmerican Diabetes Association. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Mandeep Bajaj, MD, FRCP, Baylor College of Medicine Editorial Board Latest Articles Cardiovascular and metabolic risk:
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Caroline Finch, Edith Cowan University, Australia Editorial team Injury Prevention is a Plan S compliant Transformative Journal. Call for papers! Injury Prevention invites submissions for the following topic collections: Rethinking The Future of Injury Research and Action in Th...
New Editor-in-Chief appointed for 2024 We are delighted to announce that Associate Professor Marita Hefler from the Menzies School of Health Research at Charles Darwin University (Australia) has been appointed as the incoming Editor-in-Chief for Tobacco Control. Dr Hefler will officially start her...
Editor-in-Chief:Dr Frank Larkin, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK Editorial board Read themost-cited articlesfrom the last two years for free. Be sure to follow BMJ Ophthalmology onX,FacebookandLinkedIn. Authors British Journal of Ophthalmology accepts submissions of a wide range of article ...
Editor's Choice Declaring a health and care emergency 宣布卫生和护理紧急状态 您认为我们所知的国民健康服务(NHS)是否有长期未来?在未来几十年内,是否仍然可以继续使用集体捐款为所有人提供高质量的医疗护理,而不受支付能力的限制? Research ...
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Brian D. Sites, MD, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Editorial Board Get to Know the Editorial Board For this month, ASRA Pain Medicine highlights Chad M. Brummett, M.D. Read about Chad M. Brummetthere. Podcasts Authors ...
In the bottom graph, a logarithmic scale was used for the y axis to allow for accurate visual comparison of effect sizes between occupations, as the logarithmic scale equalizes the distances between ratios and their reciprocals. Adjusted odds ratios were calculated using chief executives (US Census...
Editor-in-Chief: Phil Wiffen, formerly Churchill Hospital and University of Bath, UK Editorial team Read themost-cited articlesfrom the past three years Latest Articles Editorial: Medication stability: from pharmacies to patients homes--is consistent storage achievable?
A leading medical editor has warned that journals are rightly seen as the marketing arm of the pharmaceutical industry and they must go further to be open about where their money comes from. Fiona Godlee, editor in chief of the BMJ group, told a select committee of the UK Parlia...