近日,British Medical Journal发表观点文章近日,发表于British Medical Journal的“Food for Thought 2023”系列文章中的这篇观点文章,讨论了UPF与心脏代谢疾病的关系,从公共卫生的角度探讨制定针对UPF的政策面临的挑战,指出让消费者认识到UPF的潜在风险是十分必要的。(芥末) 原文信息 ▼ Ultra-processed foods and cardio...
作者: N Dudley 摘要: We need to reform England’s libel laws, not because suppression of scientific debate is getting worse—it may be; it’s hard to tell—but because it has been going on for so long. Years before Wilmshurst v NMT Medical (BMJ 2010;340:c967 ...
doi:10.1136/bmj.n2850We read The BMJ 's article on whether the Independent Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Independent SAGE) has been a success with interest,1 as well as a little irritation, given that it began with a major factual error that set the tone for the remainder of ...
近日,British Medical Journal发表观点文章近日,发表于British Medical Journal的“Food for Thought 2023”系列文章中的这篇观点文章,讨论了UPF与心脏代谢疾病的关系,从公共卫生的角度探讨制定针对UPF的政策面临的挑战,指出让消费者认识到UPF的潜在风险是十分必要的。(@芥末) 【原文信息】 Ultra-processed foods and car...