Take this original BMI Test we prepared for you. You will not only find out your BMI but also a detailed position of it on the BMI chart.
Obesity (Class 1) 30 – 34.9 Obesity (Class 2) 35 – 39.9 Extreme Obesity (Class 3) 40+ The following body mass index chart allows you to manually get your BMI score and includes a classification of the BMI category you reside within. 1.3 BMI for Children Although the BMI calculator wor...
Extreme Obesity (Class 3)40+ The following body mass index chart allows you to manually get your BMI score and includes a classification of the BMI category you reside within. 1.3 BMI for Children Although the BMI calculator works in the same way for children, the measurement is used differen...
BMI Chart – The Ideal BMI Range for Men and WomenBMI Weight standard BMI less than 16.5 Severely underweight Below 18.5 Underweight 18.5 to 24.9 Healthy weight 25.0 to 29.9 Overweight 30.0 and above Obesity 30 to 34.9 Obesity class I 35 to 39.9 Obesity class II BMI greater than or equal ...
BMI Chart Body mass index weight categories defined by the World Health Organization[1]and the CDC[3] Weight CategoryBMI Underweight<18.5 Healthy Weight18.5 – 24.9 Overweight25 – 29.9 Class 1 Obesity30 – <35 Class 2 Obesity35 – <40 ...
Obesity (Class 1) 30 – 34.9 Obesity (Class 2) 35 – 39.9 Extreme Obesity (Class 3) 40+ The following body mass index chart allows you to manually get your BMI score and includes a classification of the BMI category you reside within. 1.3 BMI for Children Although the BMI calculator wor...
Obesity (Class 1) 30 – 34.9 Obesity (Class 2) 35 – 39.9 Extreme Obesity (Class 3) 40+ The following body mass index chart allows you to manually get your BMI score and includes a classification of the BMI category you reside within. 1.3 BMI for Children Although the BMI calculator wor...
The number you get will fall into one of four weight categories: underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obesity. The basic idea is that the higher your BMI number, the more body fat you have. Low body fat may be a red flag for malnutrition, which can decrease your immunity and ...
Having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater signifies obesity. Having obesity can increase your risk of chronic health conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. Learn more about diagnosing, preventing, and treating obesity.
Class 1 (mild obesity):BMI 30 to 34.9 Class 2 (moderate obesity): BMI 35 to 39.9 Class 3 (severe obesity): BMI of 40 or higher BMI Chart for Women of All Ages How BMI Affects Your Health BMI scores in the overweight and obese categories can indicate that a person is at higher risk...