Calculate your BMI and body mass index classification using a simple calculator. Plus, see how much you need to weigh to reach a target BMI.
In children and adolescents from 2 to 19 years, BMI is calculated the same way as adults, but it is then compared to growth charts that take into account age and gender. These growth charts give a BMI percentile for age and gender. Here is what the percentiles mean: –Underweight: Less...
Did you know Ireland is set to have the 2nd highest level (37%) of obese women in Europe by 2025? Irish men currently have the highest BMI rate in Europe? Do you know what your body mass index is? Calculate it here and find out if your within the 'health
Avg. BMI of American male = 26.6. Avg. BMI of American female = 26.5. Do you know yours? Use our body mass index calculator to see if you're above or below the US average!! We also offer advice & tips on weight loss, weight gain & all round healthy livin
CategoryPercentile Range Underweight <5% Healthy Weight 5% - 85% At-Risk of Overweight 85% - 95% Overweight <95%How does BMI Calculator Proves to be Beneficial? The body mass index calculator by DupliChecker evaluates the current health as per the height and weight of an individual. The BMI...
BMI is calculated differently for kids.For children and teens under age 20, BMI is a percentile ranking that compares children of the same age and sex. This is because a child’s body fat makeup differs between boys and girls and changes often as they grow. There are four percentile ranki...
BMI Percentile Interpretation Percentile <5:Underweight Percentile >=5 and <85:Healthy weight Percentile >=85 and <95:Overweight Percentile >=95:Obesity Notes At the extremes (>97thpercentile or <3rdpercentile), small differences in percentiles represent clinically important differences. At these extre...
If you're concerned about your child's growth, use this BMI percentile calculator for children and teens. If you don't know your child's BMI, this tool also has a built-in child BMI calculator. This information will help you to interpret pediatric growth chart (both BMI charts for teens...
Enter a BMI in the BMI percentile calculator for men and women and we estimate how it compares to men or women in the United States.
Simply Enter Your Height & Your Weight to Find Out What Your Body Mass Index is. BMI Calculator UK also Offers Weight Loss & Weight Gain Tips.