BMD diagnostic criteria, based on T-scores and Z-scores, provide a standardized method for identifying individuals with osteoporosis. However, it is essential to interpret BMD results in conjunction with other clinical factors to determine the overall fracture risk and guide appropriate management decisi...
BMD increased 0.54% (95% CI 0.23–0.85%) with IV bisphosphonates and 1.23% (95% CI 0.56–1.90%) with denosumab, whereas no significant change was seen with oral bisphosphonates, teriparatide, or raloxifene.Osteoporosis patients are unlikely to improve femoral neck T-scores over 1.2years. ...
All evaluable vertebrae (2 at least) were included except for those affected by local structural change. The BMD of each subject was expressed as a T-score (expressed as g/cm2 and standard deviation scores), which shows the amount of bone present compared to a young adult of the same...
"Bone densitometry". Retrieved 2008-09-02. Unknown, Unknown (2011-07-29). "T and Z scores". University of Washington Bone Physics. Retrieved 2013-06-22. Richmond, Bradford (2007-11-13). "Osteoporosis and bone mineral density". American College of Radiology. Archived from...
The universally accepted World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for assessing bone mineral density (BMD) contrasts individual T-scores to peak BMD in healthy adult control populations. In this scheme, "osteoporosis" refers arbitrarily to T-values below −2.5, "osteopenia" to values between −...
All analyses were adjusted for age, body mass index, marital status, education status, household income, smoking status, calcium supplement use, multivitamin use, physical activity, and daily energy intake. In Model I, aMed scores were constructed by the original 9 components (whole grain, ...
To monitor bone density: BMD tests can be used to monitor bone density over time to see if treatment for osteoporosis is effective. To assess fracture risk: BMD tests can help predict the likelihood of a person experiencing a fracture due to osteoporosis. This information can help guide treatme...
functioning scores of MPS IH to MPS IA and MPS II separately, while adjusting for total amygdala volume. The estimate of difference on a measure of overall socialization between MPS IH and MPS IA was more than a standard deviation, with MPS IH scoring higher than MPS IA. There were no sig...
The other key limitation of human genetic studies of osteoporosis has been the strict focus on BMD, though many other aspects of bone influence its strength. To directly address this limitation using the DO, we performed GWAS for 55 complex skeletal traits. This analysis identified 28 genome-wide...
Patients with DMD saw steady declines in their mean ALM Z-scores starting with age 7, with a drop below –2.0 by age 10 years; by age 13 years, height-adjusted ALMI Z-scores reached the same mark Also for age-related trajectories of ALM and ALMI, these results were seen for a compari...