The invention discloses a bulk molding compound (BMC) for an automobile lamp and a manufacturing method of the BMC. The BMC for the automobile lamp and the manufacturing method of the BMC have the advantages that a surface to be coated can be obtained after the BMC is molded, and a ...
怒放年轻 NISSAN欧冠季 东风日产欧冠季项目,包含pc端+手机端+手机游戏,项目风格统一,色调以红灰为主,既突出产品的品牌也凝造了欧冠足球的热烈气氛。 项目名称:怒放年轻 NISSAN欧冠季 客户:东风日产 创意形式:PC端+手机端 项目简介:东风日产欧冠季项目,包含pc端+手机端+手机游戏,项目风格统一,色调以红灰为主,既突...