招生简章 BMC成立于2014年,是深圳SAT培训领先品牌,致力于为中国高端家庭提供一站式留学考试培训及国际教育咨询服务。我们服务的家庭来自中国内地各大城市、香港、澳门、新加坡,澳大利亚,加拿大,欧洲,美国。 我们通过长期培养,不仅帮助孩子提高学术能力,掌握考试要点,迅速提高成绩,更通过综合能力的培养,发掘孩子的潜能,帮助...
BMC介绍 BMC博明程国际教育集团,作为新一代高端国际教育专家,汇聚经验丰富的导师,大部分由海归组成的年轻专业的团队,以丰富的国际教育经验,为高端家庭定制专属个性化服务,帮助每一位学子提升综合能力,培育具有全球视野的高层次国际化人才。
BMC SCHOOL-BUDAPEST的校园位于布达佩斯的第二区,地铁、公共汽车、无轨电车和火车线路都近在咫尺。BMCS与德布勒森大学一起为对医学研究(医学、牙科、药学)感兴趣的学生提供了准备入学考试和大学学习的国际机会。在为学生在匈牙利国际认可的大学接受医学教育做准备时,学生将习惯在国外生活。培养大学学习所需的技能和提高...
Youcheng Liu MD, MPH, MS, ScD,Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, USA Youcheng is currently an Associate Professor at Wayne State University School of Medicine. He trained in medicine and public health with specialties in industrial hygiene, environmental health, occupational health ...
My primary focus is on translational studies at Harvard Medical School, where we can identify an unmet clinical need and set out to find appropriate solutions. Relying on my biomechanics, bioimaging and animal models expertise, I have forged partnerships with clinical and research collaborators to es...
The relationship between physical activity and school adjustment in high school students: the chain mediating role of psychological resilience and self-control Hanwen Chen, Tianci Lu, Haoran Sui, Chong Liu, Yuan Gao, Baole Tao and Jun Yan
Chin had been a professor of dermatology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School and a senior associate member of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and the Scientific Director of the Belfer Institute for Applied Cancer Science. Dr. Chin is the founding chair of the ...
Maurice, MD, Emory University School of Medicine, USASubmission Status: Open until 3 March 2025 Macrophage polarization Guest EditorDanli Xie, PhD, Wenzhou Medical University, ChinaSubmission Status: Open until 20 March 2025 Barrier immunology Guest EditorHernán Peñaloza, PhD, Pontifical Catholic...
Time from EH and CJ were part supported by the NIHR Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care West Midlands and time from MH was part supported by the NIHR School for Primary Care Research. Arthritis Research UK funded a Clinical Trials Collaboration network meeting to ...