Willingness to use PrEP among GBMSM also varied between 19.1 and 96.2%, with a pooled estimate of 57.8% [26]. Meta-analyses suggested that accessibility of PrEP and social stigma contributed to willingness to use PrEP among GBMSM, and country-specific factors were likely to affect willingness...
Many people from refugee backgrounds and stakeholders also lamented the absence of consultation and participation of marginalised communities, including Africans from refugee backgrounds communities, in planning, codesigning, delivering, improving, and evaluating programs and services that can lead to health ...
The interviewer-administered, pretested structured questionnaire was utilized. For the latent variables, a standard questionnaire was adapted from different literature [34, 39, 43, 50, 58, 59]. The structured questionnaires were comprised of socio-demographic and intention to use mobile phone ...
Introducing a reliable symptom assessment tool can rule out other causes of illness to reduce the number of unnecessary visits to the ED. A series of AI-enabled machines can directly question the patient, and a sufficient explanation is provided at the end to ensure appropriate assessment and ...
They included nine studies of which six provided data on functional sta- tus; however, there were no rigorous data on functional status that made pooled conclusions possible. Parker et al. [81] point to the wide range of types of intervention, var- ying from a single phone call after ...
The study was conducted at one large GPC in the South East of the Netherlands, situated within a hospital next to the ED. This GPC provides out of hours care for a population of approximately 304.000 people. In principle, patients in need for out of hours care contact the GPC by a singl...
A pooled prevalence indicates that about 85% of Chinese adolescents would develop myopia at the high school-graduating age [16]. The potential impact of screen time on visual acuity has received great attention for Chinese children and adolescents. The number of myopia studies is second to ...
83. Efron B, Tibshirani RJ: An Introduction to the Bootstrap 1st ed. edition. New York, Chapman and Hall; 1993. 84. Phillips PCB, Park JY: On the formulation of wald tests of non- linear restrictions. Econometrica 1988, 56:1065-1083. 85. Deyo RA, Centor RM: Assessing the ...
ED was the main author of the manuscript and substantially contributed to the interpretation of the data. IG carried out the statistical analysis and drafted sections of the manuscript. EBM conceived the study and participated in its coordination. All authors read and approved the final manuscript....
Thirumurthy H, Masters SH, Mavedzenge SN, Maman S, Omanga E, Agot K. Promoting male partner HIV testing and safer sexual decision making through secondary distribution of self-tests by HIV-negative female sex workers and women receiving antenatal and post-partum care in Kenya: a cohort stud...