20. Babnigg G, Giometti CS: A database of unique protein sequence identifiers for proteome studies. Proteomics 2006, 6(16):4514-4522. 21. SEGUID Proteome Database [http://bioinformatics.anl.gov/seg uid] 22. Bader GD, Betel D, Hogue CW: BIND: the Biomolecular Inter- action Network ...
Transcriptome assembly from high-throughput data remains an active field of research. Thus workflow B allows users to apply methods best suited to their data type and organism(s) to generate an optimal contig set. In particular, this scenario is likely to be useful for Illumina RNA-Seq sequence...
a JavaFX-based user interface built on ImageJ2. Panelb(top right): ImageJ2’s default user interface, the ImageJ Legacy UI, which wraps ImageJ 1.x. Panelc(bottom left): Example KNIME workflow utilizing ImageJ2 image processing nodes. Paneld(middle right): Swing UI ...
Main board主板 RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存) ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器 Floppy Disk软盘 Hard Disk 硬盘 CD-ROM光盘驱动器(光驱) monitor监视器 keyboard键盘 mouse鼠标 chip芯片 CD-R光盘刻录机 HUB集线器 Modem= MOdulator-DEModulator,调制解调器 P-P(Plug and Play)即插即用 UPS(Unint...
b Sex-patterned variants on LG3 of Orenil1.1. c FST comparison of ZW female pool versus ZZ male pool on LG3 of O_niloticus_UMD1. Anchored contig boundaries are depicted with grey bars. d Sex-patterned variants on LG3 of O_niloticus_UMD1 Full size image The overall number of sex-...
BMC公司及业务服务管理简介 监控平台IT基础架构的监控应用系统的监控事件管理/服务影响管理资产/配置管理 服务平台 成功案例 BMC解决方案的优势答疑 2 BMCSoftware概述 全球最大的软件公司之一 -年收入超过15亿美元-稳定的资产负债表:无负债,流动资产 达14亿美元-标准...
BSRAM(Burst pipelined synchronous static RAM,突发式管道同步静态存储器) CAS(Column Address Strobe,列地址控制器) CCT(Clock Cycle Time,时钟周期) DB: Deep Buffer(深度缓冲) DDR SDRAM(Double Date Rate,双数据率SDRAM) DIL(dual-in-line) DIMM(Dual In-line Memory Modules,双重内嵌式内存模块) ...
(B) The idle node-seeking task algorithm (INSTA) overcomes load imbalance through timely assignment of new jobs to sleeping nodes, resulting in the equal distribution of work threads to all nodes. Full size image Depending both on the volume of the data to be aligned and the accuracy of ...
b) Current market-reach and features of smart beds (section “Twenty-first century medical beds: Current market-reach and features”). c) Research efforts with an impact on the experience or capabilities of the medical bed, as part of more comprehensive healthcare environments (section “Rese...
(B) Nuclear – mitochondrial communication represented by the protein import (predicted/identified by LC-MS/MS). In the mitochondria are represented proteins involved in pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH) and tricarboxylic acids cycle (TCA). Also, are represented aldehyde dehydrogenase (ADH); ...