Individual embryos were genotyped using primers for hdac1 (Hdac1F: 5'-GGC AGG CGC AGG CTG TAA TT-3'; Hdac1 Intron1R: 5'-GGC TAA ACC CGG CTA ACA AT-3'); the 3' Long Terminal Repeat of the MLV vector (MLV 3LTR F: 5'- AAA GAC CCC ACC TGT AGG TTT G-3') [43]. Animal ...
Additional file2). The dominant TE type is rolling circle elements (8.7%), with the next most abundant TE type being unclassified elements (4.6%), followed by LINEs (4.5%). There are few LTR elements
Price AL, Jones NC, Pevzner PA. De novo identification of repeat families in large genomes. Bioinformatics. 2005;21:i351–8. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Goubert C, Modolo L, Vieira C, ValienteMoro C, Mavingui P, Boulesteix M. De novo assembly and annotation of the Asian Tiger ...
LTR – long terminal repeat, M – mean, MEA – multielectrode array, MLV – murine leukemia virus, PBS – phosphate buffered saline, PCR – polymerase chain reaction, rpm – revolu- tions per minute, SDS-PAGE – sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, SE – standard error,...
eryngii. The high price and the low profits are results of the high production cost, mainly due to the long production period, the low yield and the sensitivity to diseases. There is thus a need for new cultivars with a reduced production time, better yield and resistance to diseases. ...
Price EM, Prather RS, Foley CM: Multipotent adult progenitor cell lines originating from the peripheral blood of green fluorescent protein transgenic Swine. Stem Cells Dev. 2006, 15 (4): 507-522. 10.1089/scd.2006.15.507. Article Google Scholar Pravtcheva DD, Wise TL: Transgene instability ...
LTR retrotransposons constitute a major portion of the rice genome [52]. Retrotansposons are activated during stress, wounding and pathogen attack [53, 54]. For example transcription of the tobacco retrotransposon Tnt1 could be induced by pathogens and microbial elicitors, as well as by abiotic ...
Each tree was run for 250,000 generations with a burnin of 62,500 and standard default parameters. The PAML codeml program [88] was used to generate dN/dS ratios (ω values) for phylogenetic tree branches. ω values from the free ratio model using the F3 × 4 algorithm are shown in ...
During the outcome year, patients in the extrafine-particle cohort received fewer prescriptions for other respiratory drugs (oral corticosteroids, SABA and LABA) compared with the fine-particle cohort, although more patients in the extrafine-particle cohort were prescribed LTRAs during the outcome peri...
A notable feature of the rice genome is that LTR retrotransposons were identified in 30.7% of the rice genome [63], which suggests that LTR retrotransposons may be an important source of CNVs in rice. Indeed, we performed a cursory analysis for TE/repeat contents in regions that were identifi...