Emapalumab-lzsg是干扰素γ(IFNγ)阻断抗体。Emapalumab-lzsg通过重组DNA技术在中国仓鼠卵巢细胞中产生。Emapalumab-lzsg是IgG1 免疫球蛋白,分子量约为148kDa 。GAMIFANT适用于治疗患有原发性噬血细胞性淋巴组织细胞增生症(HLH)的成人和儿童(新生儿和老年人)患者,其伴有难治性,复发性或进行性疾病或常规HLH治疗不耐...
Learn about Gamifant for the treatment of primary HLH in patients with refractory, recurrent, or progressive disease or intolerance to conventional therapy.
Gamifant(emapalumab-lzsg) 适用于治疗原发性噬血细胞性淋巴组织细胞增多症(HLH)的患者别名: Gamifant(emapalumab-lzsg) 剂型: 注射剂 规格: 10mg/2mL/瓶 50mg/10mL/瓶 厂家: 瑞士Novimmune SA 有效期: 24个月 在线咨询 药师回拨 医药资讯 健康科普 健康问答 信息服务 药品展示...
(HLH) patients with refractory, recurrent or progressive disease, or intolerance to conventional HLH therapy. Emapalumab-lzsg is the first and only medicine approved in the US for primary HLH, a rare syndrome of hyperinflammation that usually occurs within the first year of life and can rapidly...
In the USA, Gamifant® (emapalumab-lzsg) is the first and only treatment approved by the FDA for the treatment of adult and paediatric (newborn and older) patients with primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) with refractory, recurrent or...
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四川省发展和改革委员会 四川省政府政务服务和公共资源交易服务中心关于印发《四川省远程异地评标管理暂行办法》的通知(川发改法规〔2021〕555号【发稿时间 :2021-12-30】【 阅读次数:17】 友情链接 本站地图 · 网站标识码5105000010 | 蜀ICP备12004326号-2 | 川公网安备 51050202000311号 · 主办单位:泸州市...
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