requires: cygwin libgcc1 libktoblzcheck1 libstdc++6 sdesc: "Library to check account numbers and bank codes of German banks (utilities)" ldesc: "A library to check bank account numbers and bank codes (BLZ) of German Banks. It is based on the specifications of the 'Deutsche Bunde...
external-source: ktoblzcheck sdesc: "Library to check account numbers and bank codes of German banks (development)" ldesc: "A library to check bank account numbers and bank codes (BLZ) of German Banks. It is based on the specifications of the 'Deutsche Bundesbank'."Footer...
Conclusion: Most cases of acute poisonings during pregnancy were suicidal. Pregnant women attempted suicide mostly within the first trimester of gestation. The most common agents used for suicidal attempt were medical drugs.NO AUTHOR SPECIFIEDJournal of the Turkish-Ge...
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