With the Isolate Subject feature, all it takes is a single click to blur the background of a photo while keeping your subject crisp and clear. The Blur tool automatically removes hard lines, clouds detail, and blurs photos which makes your subject really pop. Aside from the classic Blur, ...
Before we show you how to master the art of the blur, it helps to know why it matters. We know it seems counterintuitive – learning how to blur something in a picture. Especially when pro and phone photographers alike work hard for that sharp, clear photo. But what is "perfect" these...
Quickly write text and create a PNG image from it. Create a PNG From an Emoji Quickly create a PNG from emojis and other Unicode symbols. Add Artifacts to a PNG Quickly add JPG and WebP artifacts to a PNG photo. Generate a 1x1 Pixel PNG Quickly create a single 1-by-1 pixel PNG...
Intensity Detect, Invert, Invert Text, Laplacian, Line Remove, Line Segment, Max Filter, Median, Min Filter, Mosaic, Motion Blur, Multiply, Oilify, Old Photo, Pixelate, Polar, Posterize, Prewitt, Punch, Radial Wave, Ripple, Saturation, Sharpen, Smooth, Sobel, Solarize, Swirl, Unsharp, Wave...
In a dark environment, the night photos taken by the night mode are not clear enough and the effect is poor. Causes: 1. In a night or dark environment, the exposure time of the camera is long when using the night mode, and the camera ISO speed needs to be adjusted. If it is low...
2.1.529 Part 1 Section 17.18.3, ST_BrClear (Line Break Text Wrapping Restart Location) 2.1.530 Part 1 Section 17.18.5, ST_CaptionPos (Automatic Caption Positioning Values) 2.1.531 Part 1 Section 17.18.7, ST_CharacterSpacing (Character-Level Whitespace Compression Settings) 2.1....
Quickly add any text (captions, subtitles) on an animated GIF. Add a Timer to a GIF Quickly add a running time clock to a GIF animation. Add a Frame Counter to a GIF Quickly add a counter that shows frame numbers. Make GIF Corners Round Quickly round the corners of a GIF animati...
Microsoft Powerpoint is a popular and extremely powerful tool for creating presentations slides. But now it is not only limited to text-based slides only. You can perform some basic image editing too. Yes, it is not like the Adobe photoshop but things li
Can I apply a CSS blur effect to text?Absolutely, text isn’t immune to the blur’s charm! Adopt the same filter: blur(2px);—tone down the radius; you want the words dreamy, not illegible. A dash of blurring breathes life into static text, giving it a soft, mysterious whisper....
The founder Mark Rejhon has experience creating specifications (since Mark is born deaf, he worked on XMPPXEP-0301Real Time Text). However, we release this specification as a Blur Busters page, to bring this specification much more mainstream, much more quickly. ...