Tailwind CSS - Blur - Tailwind CSS Blur is a utility class used to apply a blur filter to an element.
Tailwind CSS on GitHub Blur Tailwind CSS version v2.1+ 将模糊滤镜应用于元素的实用程序。 Default class reference Class Properties blur-0--tw-blur: blur(0); blur-sm--tw-blur: blur(4px); blur--tw-blur: blur(8px); blur-md--tw-blur: blur(12px); ...
Tailwind CSS version v2.1+ Utilities for applying backdrop blur filters to an element. Default class reference Class Properties backdrop-blur-none--tw-backdrop-blur: blur(0); backdrop-blur-sm--tw-backdrop-blur: blur(4px); backdrop-blur--tw-backdrop-blur: blur(8px); ...
Widgets Useful tools that run right in your files More plugins Import & export Accessibility Prototyping & animation wwwanyu TailwindCSS / Blur Design file • 2 • 156 users This is a Figma Community file.Community is a space for Figma users to share things they create.Get started with ...
Learn more about customizing your theme in thetheme documentation. On this page Quick reference Examples Basic example Using a custom value Responsive design Customizing your theme From the creators of Tailwind CSS Make your ideas look awesome, without relying on a designer. ...
Tailwind CSS - Backdrop Blur - Tailwind CSS Backdrop Blur is a utility class used to apply a Backdrop Blur filter to an element.
Using a custom value Use the backdrop-blur-[<value>] syntax to set the backdrop blur based on a completely custom value: <!-- ... --> For CSS
Basically, I have a component that merges tailwind classes, and by default hasbackdrop-blur-sm, after merging thebackdrop-blur-noneclass overrides the previous, but it doesn't set--tw-backdrop-blur: none, instead it sets it toblur(0)which actually still creates a blur effect....
Rainblur Landing Page is an open source, dark mode and gradient based generic landing page or coming soon template for Tailwind CSS created by Tailwind Toolbox.Getting StartedChoose one of the following options to get started:Download the latest release Clone the repo: git clone https://github...