在未来,通过低功耗蓝牙连接,将实现真正的距离感知以及新用例。 我特别期待蓝牙高数据吞吐量(High Data Throughput,缩写为HDT)项目的推出,该技术将为媒体流带来高达8 Mbps的数据传输速率。我认为该技术将提升现有设备的性能并提高流媒体服务的质量。此外,我还希望看到这项技术开启更多创新应用和用例。 探索芯科科技提供...
HFB (Higher Frequency Bands) 目前正在进行一个规范开发项目是 Higher Frequency Bands,定义低功耗蓝牙@使用其他未经许可的频谱(包括6GHz频段),新的频谱扩展项目将有助于确保这些蓝牙性能增强能够持续到未来,为下一代蓝牙创新铺平道路。 更高的数据吞吐量(中) HDT (Higher Data Throughput) 低功耗蓝牙版本包括蓝牙 ...
High Data Throughput The LE 2M PHY was introduced to address a number of market opportunities, including enhancing data transfer performance for the growing number of IoT devices consumers were connecting to their smartphones. Today, an increasing number of these connected devices are looking for eve...
devices are looking for even greater performance, as well as support for streaming larger media, and could benefit from an even higher data rate Bluetooth®LE PHY. The Higher Data Throughput project was established to address that growing market need and intends to support data rates up to 8...
Earlier Bluetooth versions were big power consumers simply because they were always “on.” As one would expect, this didn’t bode well for battery life. And this was especially true for Bluetooth 3, as it was the first to providehigh-speed data transfers. ...
Bluetooth is one of the emerging technologies, which is capable of providing many services such as High data throughput, Adhoc networks, providing an excellent data transmission medium and many more other services and applications. To provide all these features and services power consumption is quite...
While Bluetooth 2.0 EDR or Bluetooth 3.0 HS introduced a higher data rate functionality, Bluetooth 4.0 targets effective communication with devices that do not need streaming data or high data throughput. Low-energy requirements stipulate noticeable differences in Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE protocols, ...
Solving the Throughput Formula If we remember anything from high school or middle school math, and that is dependent on which country you went to school, we learned that we cannot solve an equation with three unknowns, and that is the moral of the BLE thro...
High Data ThroughputOur Bluetooth provides the 2M PHY modulation for your high-data throughput IoT applications to unleash a throughput of 1300 kbps on selected SoCs and modules. The 1M PHY delivers a throughput of 700 kbps. (SoCs and modules for 2M PHY: B/MG12, B/MG13, B/MG21, and ...
Bluetooth 5.4 connectivity is enhanced with an extra receive antenna for extra receive diversity and MRC (Multiple Receive Combining) support to improve performance and range. To further enhance speeds, Filogic 380 also support HDT (High Data Throughput). Bluetooth LE audio is also supported for wi...