@文心快码BaiduComatebluetooth connected but no sound windows 11 文心快码BaiduComate 当遇到Windows 11系统中蓝牙已连接但没有声音的问题时,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认蓝牙设备已正确连接并被Windows 11识别: 打开“设置”应用,选择“设备” > “蓝牙和其他设备”。检查蓝牙设备是否显示在已配对设备列表...
The no-sound issue is also created by the dirty speaker grille. Because the grille has very small holes in it that can easily trap the dirt. Over time, it becomes native, hardens, and blocks the small perforations. This leads to muffled or no sound problems. Therefore, you must clean yo...
I have an Omen Hp Laptop and around like February of this year, I have audio crackling and a weird connection with my Bluetooth JLab headphones is connected but I cannot hear or no sound. The sound is coming to the speaker and not the headset/headphones, not really sure wha...
How to Fix Bluetooth Headphones Connected but No Sound on iOS Remove the music volume level limit Apple offers a safety measure with theirVolume Limitsetting that allows users to set their desired max volume limit on the device. While it’s completely in the good spirit of preventinghearing dam...
Same description of the issue, connected and appears to play, but no sound. I have disconnected, unpaired, repaired, turn off and on, called the bose support line...nothing seems to work. I have OS 10.2.1 on my phone and it says it's up to date. Any help would be great!
Bluetooth audio device has no sound my phone says that there is a device connected and yet i no devise connected on bluetooth and i have no audio is this a hardware issue [Edited by Moderator]iPhone 6s, iOS 12 Posted on Oct 29, 2020 2:16 PM ...
Open sound settings and voila - you have headphones and mic, but if the device is turned off and on (sleep or reboot notebook) - Bluetooth doesn't work and need to remove the device and repeat manipulation. So the main question doesn't change - why Bluetooth doesn't work f...
[HUAWEI] My wearable device is connected to my iPhone via the system Bluetooth, but fails to link with the HUAWEI Health app Applicable products:HUAWEI Watch Applicable products: After you touchAddorScanin theHUAWEI Healthapp, a message displays indicating that you need to enable Bluetooth and ...
It’s possible that there is interference from another device. For example, some Bluetooth headsets are capable of connecting to more than one device. If two users are attempting to use the same unit, the Bluetooth will interface with the primary connection first. Better quality devices will ...
One last thing that might be work, but do this at your own risk. If nothing else seems to resolve the issue, I would disconnect the device using Settings / Devices. I would then use Device Manager and remove the device from the Bluetooth and Sound, video and game controllers. Then you...