@文心快码BaiduComatebluetooth connected but no sound windows 11 文心快码BaiduComate 当遇到Windows 11系统中蓝牙已连接但没有声音的问题时,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认蓝牙设备已正确连接并被Windows 11识别: 打开“设置”应用,选择“设备” > “蓝牙和其他设备”。检查蓝牙设备是否显示在已配对设备列表...
I'm having problems connecting my Lenovo Yoga Pro 7 to amazon echo speakers. The devices connect but there is no audio. I've tried everything I can find online and nothing works. I know there is no problem with the laptops bluetooth becasuse I've connected to other bluetooth speaker...
Until today my Bluetooth devices had no issues streaming audio services, e.g., Amazon Music. However, after connecting my Bluetooth headphones today (the device is paired), I heard the audio on the phone but not the headphones. To ensure that this issue was with the...
bluetooth connected but no audioStart a conversation Are you having HotKey issues? Click here for tips and tricks. Create an account on the HP Community to personalize your profile and ask a question Your account also allows you to connect with HP support faster, access a personal dashboard ...
In addition, make sure your iPhone is not connected to some other Bluetooth device. If this is the case, it will not send audio to the speaker. 8. Switch Between Various Audio Files The audio file you are playing may be the culprit. Either it is corrupted or does not have a proper ...
If your Bluetooth headphones are connected, but the sound is still coming from the PC, you may have paired your Bluetooth headphones properly but forgotten to select them as the default audio device. Here’s how you can set your Bluetooth headphones as the default audio output: ...
Re:Bluetooth device says Connected (no media) even though media box is checked Same issue, bluetooth shows connected but audio plays from phone speaker. Calls are audible in bluetooth though. I have tried almost everything. Reset app settings, reset wifi Bluetooth settin...
Prior to the update there were no issues. I am still able to pair an iPad with iOS 8.3 to the speaker and play music without any problems. Another difference: When I pair an iOS 8.3 device I have volume control on that Apple device, but when pairing an iOS 8.4 device the volume ...
Bluetooth audio device has no sound my phone says that there is a device connected and yet i no devise connected on bluetooth and i have no audio is this a hardware issue [Edited by Moderator]iPhone 6s, iOS 12 Posted on Oct 29, 2020 2:16 PM ...
Go to [Settings] > [Bluetooth] > choose connected device > enable [Media Audio/ Phone Audio].On some OPPO phones: Go to [Settings] > [Bluetooth] > choose connected device > tap > enable [Media audio] and [Phone audio] / [Phone calls]....