Bluetooth Audio Receiver 是一款可以把 Windows 电脑变为蓝牙音箱的应用,然后就能用手机蓝牙在电脑上播放音乐了。这是一个比较少见的应用方式,快想想什么情况下需要用手机播放,用电脑听音乐呢?Bluetooth Audio Receiver Bluetooth Audio Receiver 的使用非常简单,有两个决条件:电脑必须拥有蓝牙功能,或者有一个蓝牙...
如果你想通过无线的方式在电脑上播放手机的声音,那么不妨试试”Bluetooth Audio Receiver“这款软件。它能让你通过蓝牙的方式,在把手机连接到电脑后,把电脑当作手机的蓝牙耳机,播放手机上的声音。 Bluetooth A…
This app allows you to use the latest version of Windows 10 2004 (Bluetooth A2DP Sink) to play music from Bluetooth devices on your PC. For the app to work correctly, you must have a Bluetooth adapter and a playback device that supports A2DP, and pre-pa
解决pc无Bluet..@死亡v宣告834 去设备目录里看看有没 蓝牙适配器设备,或者感叹号的类似蓝牙适配器设备 有的话可能就是驱动软件不适配该蓝牙适配器,去下载个适配的驱动软件。
This app allows you to use the latest version of Windows 10 2004 (Bluetooth A2DP Sink) to play music from Bluetooth devices on your PC. For the app to work correctly, you must have a Bluetooth adapter and a playback device that supports A2DP, and pre-pa
Audio Device A single remote Bluetooth LE Audio device or set of Bluetooth LE Audio devices that together compose a single audio endpoint from the perspective of Windows. BAP The Basic Audio Profile defines how devices can distribute and consume audio using Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) communications...
HCI_VS_MSFT_Avdtp_Capabilities_Configuration Configures the audio transport interface and returns codec capabilities of the Bluetooth controller, which is a list of codec information blocks. HCI_VS_MSFT_Avdtp_Open Allocates and configures AVDTP offload resources within the controller. HCI_V...
Advanced Audio Technology** The Glazata Bluetooth Audio Receiver is equipped with the QCC3034 chip, which is renowned for its aptX and aptX LL capabilities. This means that users can enjoy high-resolution sound quality with low latency, making it ideal for gaming and live streaming. The aptX ...