BlueStacks has the best performance and features, when you compare it to other Android Emulators. It is built on the state of the art BlueStacks Gaming Platform which uses patented Hyper-G graphics APIs. That allows you to play at maximum resolution and refresh rates (including 144hz) – so...
BlueStacks offersversatile Android platform support, effectively running multiple versions—including Android Nougat 32-bit and 64-bit, Android Pie 64-bit, Android 11 64-bit, and a Hyper-V compatible Nougat 64-bit version. This range of Android versions allows users to choose the one best suited...
其次把系统服务里面,hyper-v开头的从手动改成禁用,都没启动,只是手动,但是还是改成禁用至于是上面那种方法是关键,不知道,反正有效了,也没重新安**luestacks solen82 长期潜水 1 PowershellDisable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V或者用这个试试
BlueStacks Air Beta for Mac offersversatile Android platform support, effectively running multiple versions—including Android Nougat 32-bit and 64-bit, Android Pie 64-bit, Android 11 64-bit, and a Hyper-V compatible Nougat 64-bit version. This range of Android versions allows users to choose ...
下载hyperv版的,官网那个帮助文档有问题,上面说会自动下载hyperv版的蓝叠,但其实并不会。这个页面往下滑 Timmy_qiang 长期潜水 1 和虚拟机平台冲突,好像是wsa和 虚拟机不能同时开 styh67 长期潜水 1 试试以“管理员身份运行”启动蓝叠。 Ashen-深 长期潜水 1...
Pie 64-bit– You can only download and play games playable on Android 8 and 9. Android 11– You can only download and play games playable on Android 11. Most users prefer the Pie version because it has been optimized for enhanced gameplay. It is alsoHyper-V enabled. ...
How to Download and Play Android Games on PC? Install BlueStacks on your PC. Sign-in to Google Play Store or do it later. Look for the game in the search bar. Click on the search result to install the game. Complete Google sign-in (if you skipped step 2) to install the game. ...
exciting BlueStacks. And Sync the App with your any Android Device. Install BlueStacks with provided Offline installer link without an active Internet connection. Only one disadvantage of BlueStacks is that it can’t run alongside any other virtualization technology like Hyper-V or Virtualbox etc....
Download bluestacks.exe file: File VersionFile Md5File BitFile SizeDownload bit814 KDownload this files 2.7.307.821344a0dcb78067a6794b8d613c5513fe6032 bit705 KDownload this files bit800 KDownload this fi...
Go to Control Panel → Programs → Turn Windows features on or off, un-check Hyper-V settings, and click OK. Windows Feature will apply the changes and prompt for PC restart. Please restart the system to apply changes. LaunchBlueStacksapp player and it should work smoothly now. ...