电脑上使用 Blue..先下载以下的东西1. 工具压缩包2. 扩散性百万亚瑟王 APK 档 (官方)将所有东西解压到同一资料夹, 下称傻瓜包资料夹==[第一步: 安**lueStacks]==执行 BlueStacks-Th
5、AMD 的 CPU 选项叫 SVM 6、按 F10 保存设置 7、按 ESC 退出 BIOS 设置 英文BIOS界面 中文BIOS界面——Intel CPU 中文BIOS界面——AMD CPU 常见问题 一、怎么多开? 1、启动BlueStacks蓝叠模拟器后,在首页右下角有一多开图标,点击后选择创建,一般来说选择“新引擎并复制应用”,因为选择“新多开引擎”只...
Actually we offer you the finest MOD APKs and Games of the Android section and we slowly expand to the iOS section as well. But games, Android MODs & iOS MODs are not the only things we can offer you. We have tutorials, tools, a very friendly, active and solid community which will ...
You May Also Like:Square Home Mod APK What’s New ? Bug fixed MOD Info Simple Launcher Interface SuperUser Support SuperSu Support Import Windows Files directly from your PC to bluestacks Root Explorer Support Advanced Calculator Support
5. Move/copy this files. Code: cp su /system/xbin/su cp su /system/xbin/daemonsu cp supolicy /system/xbin/supolicy cp libsupol.so /system/lib/libsupol.so cp Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk 6. You have to edit init.sh file. You can do it with vi Code: busybox vi...
3)BlueRegistryMOD.reg(这是个注册表,先不 要导入,这里一定要注意) 【导入注册表之前要做的 2 点修改,修改注册表: WIN 键+R 打开运行,输入 regedit】 【1】找到注册表中的 GUID,位置是 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER—Software-BlueStacks] “USER_GUID”=”这里是一些数字,每个人 的都不一样” 例如我的 GUID: ...
- === === Root之前,首先要做几样准备: 1)相关img: initrd-betahack.img, ramdisk.img, system.img 2)su.x86 3)BlueRegistryMOD.reg(这是个注册表,先不要导入,这里一定要注意) 【导入注册表之前要做的2点修改,修改注册表: WIN...
•Play your favorite modded version of a game instantly bysetting it as the default mod. Because every second counts! 6. BlueStacks 5 Enhancements To ensure a smoother installation of BlueStacks 5 on BlueStacks X, you will now be notified if you have insufficient disk space on you...