Batch script for Windows to remove the link to the non-VM shared Pictures and Documents folders on the bgp64 version (64-bit Android OS) of BlueStacks 4. Utilizes xmlstarlet (xml.exe), not by me. windows batch-script modification bluestacks android-emulators Updated Apr 17, 2020 Batchfil...
2. Now, click on the"Install now" buttonto start installing BlueStacks 5 Pie 64-bit. NOTE: This will not install any other Android instance of BlueStacks 5 on your desktop/laptop. To create a different Android instance, you can use the Multi-Instance Manager.Read this articlefor detail...
如果您在桌機/筆記型電腦上啟用了 Hyper-V 後無法在 BlueStacks 5 Nougat 64 位元上使用「TikTok」,您可以按照以下步驟新增“Pie 64 位元”多開來解決此問題。 1.從側面工具欄啟動多開管理器並執行以下操作: 點擊“多開引擎”,然後選擇“全新的多開引擎” 選擇“Pie 64-...
1. Launch BlueStacks 5 and click on the"Multi-instance Manager"icon on the Side toolbar. 2. Click on"Instance"and then select"Fresh instance". From the dropdown menu, select"Pie 64-bit".If you've selected Pie 64-bit for the first time, a message will appear asking you to download ...