Portable version that doesn't require an installation. BlueStacks vs the competition. Better than Andy or YouWave? It's obviously not the only Android emulator for PC. There are plenty of otheralternatives out there to run applications and gamesdesigned for Google's operating system on a Window...
在下方最低配备需求之下列出了下载链接。 如何在启用Hyper-V的情况下执行最新版本的Bluestacks? 注意:此版本的BlueStacks处于测试阶段。 请提供关于此版本的任何反馈或建议。 与往常一样,您的反馈和支持对我们非常宝贵。 执行最新版本的最低配备需求: 操作系统 :Microsoft Windows 10 (仅适用于1809以上的版本。阅读...
《模拟城市:我是市长》春风醉雨版本全平台推出,欢迎使用安卓模拟器体验! 由EA研发,蜂巢游戏负责在国内发行的《模拟城市:我是市长》现推出全新的“春风醉雨”版本,为玩家们带来浪漫港湾赛季、精美的新建筑和一系列精彩活动。即日起,玩家们便可通过苹果AppStore和各大安卓应用商店下载更新游戏,体验新版本的精彩内容。
本来是能找到模拟器的:原来代码如下 <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" android:targetSdkVersion="17" /> 后来我把 android:minSdkVersion="15",结果就找不到bluestacks模拟器了。问题就出在这个SDK的最低版本上。bluestacks的sdk最低版本为10(亲测)。所以使用bluestacks的亲们这个版本问题要注意了。 有什...
Free download Bluestacks App Player is your way to a complete unification of your Android applications with your stationary PCs and laptops. This is a perfect solution for those who love their mobile apps!
BlueStacks安卓模拟器是一款在PC上面运行,安装简单,功能强大的安卓软件模拟器,可以运行绝大多数安卓的应用,方便一般大众玩家的使用,是我们可以把那些经典的、好玩的软件搬到大屏幕的PC上来,再配合触控显示器,体验绝佳的游戏体验。 BlueStacks安卓模拟器为 Windows 系统开发了 Android 运行时环境,让 Android 应用能运行在...
Andy Android Emulator Android Studio GenyMotion Droid5x Windroy AMIDuos Youwave Remix OS Player Joy of Beans As of 2022, the Bluestacks emulator has been downloaded over 100 million times. The latest version is Bluestacks 5. Now, you can Play Pubg Mobile on Windows 10 using the Bluestacks. ...
BlueStacks App Player free download. Get the latest version now. App Player lets you run your Android apps fast and full screen
BlueStacks Full Version Torrent Free Download: BlueStacks Torrentis the best platform that works as an emulator of the Android operating system. The user plays all types of functions applications and games on the Android phone or computer. Suppose You do not need any App On Your Computer so ...