Bluestacks, no doubt is the best androidemulatorfor PC. Bluestack has made it possible to install any apk (android application) file on Windows PCs. This emulator is especially convenient for the developers who can use this emulator to test their applications on the go. Installing apk files f...
Note: modifying Windows Registry is serious business and can render your OS inoperative. If you follow these instructions Intel won’t be responsible for any outcome. If you still wish to proceed Open command prompt as Administrator. Run the following commands one...
Why does Blue Screen appear on Windows 11? Blue Screen appears when Windows detects critical errors that can damage your system. For example, a high CPU temperature, faulty RAM, etc. Apart from faulty hardware, software issues also cause BSOD errors on a Windows device. Blue Screen is an at...
# What's In It For You - What skillz will you gain? # Who am I? - Who am I to teach this stuff? # How does it work? - Game rules # WSL : WARNING - Windows Susbsytem for Linux is broken! # Greetz - People who helped Of course, you're probably eager to start playing. ...
Bluestacks is the most popular android emulator for PC or laptop. But it takes lots of RAM and uses a huge part of your processor. If you have a well-configured system you can use this for playing free fire games or you can use MuMu Play that is the lightest emulator it will not sl...
1.2编写脚本 1.2.1模拟器 1、本章示例模拟器使用的是Genymotion,首先打开Genymotion模拟器,打开指定的Android版本。...(appDir, "testApp.apk"); // `.ipa`或`.apk`文件所在的本地绝对路径或者远程路径,也可以是一个包括两者之一的`.zip` // Appium会先尝试安装路径对应的应用在适当的真机或模拟器上.../...
generalized-filtering-for-cinder-list-resource 背景:我们不断添加各种过滤选项到Cinder List API中。就像通过“x=y”过滤结果。这导致了为了用户方便加入了大量代码。这也意味着我们不断地为每一次修改增加小版本号,创建更多的API版本,而不是我们可能关心的文档、测试和维护。
Note: modifying Windows Registry is serious business and can render your OS inoperative. If you follow these instructions Intel won’t be responsible for any outcome. If you still wish to proceed Open command prompt as Administrator. Run the following commands one at...