The major blues scale formula is 1– 2 – ♭3 – ♮3 – 5 – 6. Which means the C major blues scale consists of the notes C– D – E♭ – E♮ – G – A. The minor blues scale formula is 1– ♭3 – 4 – ♭5 – 5 – ♭7, so the C minor blues scale has...
Major blues scale:C、D、Eb、E、G、A、CMinor blues scale:C、Eb、F、F#、G、Bb、C 接着,...
第一位重要的是多听 你要听以欢快大调为特点的芝加哥布鲁斯(代表人物:BB King,Magic Sam),也要听...
Scales wich notes are within A Blues D pentatonic neutral C major pentatonic A minor pentatonic C Diatonic G chinese 2 C Mongolian C Chinese Mongolian D Egyptian Scales where A Blues is within them G bebop major Scales one note away from A Blues none foundCharts...
【30天爵士布鲁斯钢琴挑战】Day 15 - Bebop Hanon_ C7 Arpeggios from every scale degree 4468 -- 11:46 App 泰国大神 Koh Mr.Saxman 满分Solo《Just The Two Of Us》萨克斯谱 爵士 4508 1 0:17 App 辣椒素你是辣椒素 1976 31 34:17 App 【Henry刘宪华】MovingVoices E01 686 -- 19:40 App 【龟...
Guitar Standard Tuning = 120Blues Scale B 1 2 3 4 710789797 97107107107 979798710 Track 1 Blues Scale C 5 6 7 8 7 81189108108 108118118118 108108109811 Blues Scale D 9 10 11 12 8 1013101112101210 1210131013101310 1210121012111013 Blues Scale E 13 14 15 10 03012020 20303030 ~or~ 16 17 18 ...
所以渐渐地,演奏像钢琴这种不能「半音滑动/挤弦」的乐手,只好“怀恨在心”地将前两种句型与小调五声音阶(Minor Pentatonic Scale)相结合,便成了以下两种惯用的音阶(以F调为例): 也有人把第二种句型改由F音开始算,就改称为F大调蓝调音阶(F Major Blues Scale),结果又发现是F大调五声音阶加上降3音的“巧合...
The blues minor scale is a six-note minor scale. It is built from the pentatonic minor scale, which has the diminished fifth, or the famous "blue note". It is typically used mainly in the blues (major or minor) but also in plenty of modern Rock and Pop. ...
网络释义 1. 大调蓝调音阶 提到大调蓝调音阶(Major Blues Scale)的时候就不得不讨论一下蓝调音阶的发展~一般都说"蓝调音阶其实只有一个--就是(小调)Bl…|基于38个网页
以下是C大调音阶在吉他指板图上的标示: 图片2...我们可能遇到的不同类型吉他音阶的一些示例:大调音阶(Major scale)小调音阶(Minor scale)五声音阶(Pentatonic scale)蓝调音阶(Bluesscale 吉他音阶实战练习教程(一) Guitar Pro中文官网 图片2:Guitar Pro制作的大小调五声音阶上述音阶构成了我们弹吉他时可能演奏的大部...