A spin-off called Blue's Room premiered in 2004, and a reboot titled Blue's Clues & You! was produced in 2019. Here, visitors can read up-to-date articles about the show's format, episodes, songs, characters and more. Blue's Clues Blue Josh Steve Joe Mailbox Sidetable ...
"Blue’s Clues was my favorite show when I was little. Don’t know if I’ll take a look at the new one, but it’s nice that kids today will be getting more episodes," one wrote, while another joked. "TheBlue’s Cluesrevival is just one episode of disheveled middle-aged Steve as...
Blue's Clues & You! was produced in 2019. Here, visitors can read up-to-date articles about the show's format, episodes, songs, characters and more. Blue's Clues Blue Josh Steve Joe Mailbox Sidetable The Spice Family Sage Ginger Shovel and Pail Tickety Tock Slippery ...