The Blues Brothers is a 1980 musical comedy film directed by John Landis. Starring John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd as "Joliet" Jake and Elwood Blues, characters developed from a "Saturday Night Live" musical sketch. It features musical numbers by R&B and so
Blues Brothers 2000: Directed by John Landis. With Walter Levine, Dan Aykroyd, Tom Davis, Frank Oz. Elwood must reunite the old band, with a few new members, and go on another "Mission from God."
The Blues Brothers - I fratelli Blues: Regia di John Landis. Con Tom Erhart, Gerald Walling, John Belushi, Walter Levine. Jake Blues, appena uscito di prigione, riunisce la vecchia banda per salvare l'orfanotrofio cattolico in cui lui ed il fratello Elwo
Blues Brothers 2000: About The Special Musical GuestsBuy this video from Music from Buy The Soundtrack. The Louisiana Gator Boys Members are: Jeff Baxter (guitar), Gary U.S. Bonds (vocals), Eric Clapton (guitar), Clarence Clemons (sax), Jacques de Johnette (drums),...
Describes the recreation of 22 rhythm & blues classics for the movie `Blues Brothers 2000.' Soundtrack producer Paul Shaffer and recording engineer Harvey Goldberg's effort to recapture the simplicity of the classic music that drives the ...
His role as producer of The Blues Brothers soundtrack left Bob Tischler in charge of recording some of the best musicians of the 20th century, while managing conflicting shooting schedules and coping with the day-to-day effects of John Belushi's prodigio
Clearly,The Blues Brothersis one of my favourite movies. However, don’t let that fact taint what I’m about to present—that there are genuine lessons to be learned from the movie about user experience design. No, really … Joliet Jake and Elwood Blues: The Blues Brothers ...
''Blues Brothers 2000'' has a lot of good music in it. It would have had more if they'd left out the story, which would have been an excellent idea. The film
Blues Brothers 2000 (1998) It's worth it for the music and I think that was always the point. 22 January 2021 Blues musicians don't get much national exposure and the Blues Brothers did finally awaken some rock audiences to who these men and women were. Lord knows Chess Records ...
As for the Blues Brothers themselves, I was a fan of Belushi and Aykroyd back to the original Saturday Night Live days, and they do have a certain charisma as Jake and Elwood Blues, but I think they could have been given a better vehicle to work with. AND, I thought I'd get to se...