Check car prices and values when buying and selling new or used vehicles. Find expert reviews and ratings, explore latest car news, get an Instant Cash Offer, and 5-Year Cost to Own information on
点击“Car Value”下拉框中的“Used Car(二手车)”,网站会跳转到以下页面。请大家依次选择或输入以下信息:新车还是旧车?Brand(汽车品牌),Mode(具体车型)等等,再输入车辆生产的初始年。我们以2013年出厂的丰田汉兰达为例,进入以下页面。进一步定位目标车的信息,直到细分到不能再细分后便可以了,最后还要输入...
We completed a request for Kelly Blue Book to value the current car so she could get an idea, for budgeting purposes, of what to expect in terms of sale price/trade in value. Just received the KBB response today -- September 10th -- after my friend's been driving her new car for ...
A definitive resource for prospective used car buyers lists purchasing tips, original prices, vehicle identification numbers, and used values according to condition; options and equipment; and mileage ranges for more than 10,000 models of used cars, trucks and vans. Original.Kelly Blue Book...
查看“Boat blue book value regal wikitest iSmJI”的源代码 ←Boat blue book value regal wikitest iSmJI 因为以下原因,你没有权限编辑本页: 您刚才请求的操作只对以下1个用户组开放:管理员。 您可以查看并复制此页面的源代码: 返回Boat blue book value regal wikitest iSmJI。
Check car prices and values when buying and selling new or used vehicles. Find expert reviews and ratings, explore latest car news, get an Instant Cash Offer, and 5-Year Cost to Own information on
今年,国务院陆续发文表示促进中国二手车行业的发展。但从哪个方向去发展二手车行业是值得考虑的问题。美国作为目前全球二手车行业最发达、最健全的国家,有很多成熟的二手车购买体系和配套产业值得我们借鉴和学习。本期《美国档案》为大家介绍一个前身为一家汽车媒介,后转型成为车辆评估机构的公司—Kelly Bule Book。