Chaos Legendary Dragon Malefic Paladins of Dragons Signature move Toon with Eyes of Blue Fusion Material for Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Miscellaneous Cover card Other...
"Blue-Eyes" (ブルーアイズ Burūaizu) is an archetype of LIGHT and DARK Dragon monsters used by Seto Kaiba. A mysterious woman named Kisara carries the spirit of the "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" as revealed in both the anime and manga. Though members have exi
Other cards that should be in a Blue-Eyes deck including having at least two Sage with Eyes of Blue and one Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon. Sage with Eyes of Blue can, upon being Normal Summoned, can allow the turn player to add one Level 1 LIGHT Tuner from the deck (looking at ...
Dragón Blanco de Ojos Azules+ Stars 8+ Stars string 8+ Summoning Can be Special Summoned+and Can always be Special Summoned+ Swedish name Den Blåögda Vita Draken+ TCG Advanced Format Status Unlimited+ TCG Traditional Format Status
and destroy both dragons, before returning them to the field with "Cubic Mandala" to prevent Kaiba from Summoning another monster with "Counter Gate". Nevertheless, Kaiba Tributes his two "Blue-Eyes" along with one "Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon" to Tribute Summon "Obelisk the Tormentor"....