The attack last Thursday (21 November) affected an unknown number of Blue Yonder customers – in the UK, supermarkets Morrisons and Sainsbury’s both confirmed their systems had been knocked out of action. A Sainsbury’s spokesperson told The Loadstar “service has since been restored”, although...
'You'll be sorry when I'm dead.' That's what Harry said to his sister, before the incident with the lorry. And now he is just that - dead. And he wishes more than anything that he hadn't said it. He wishes he could say sorry. And say goodbye to everyone he left behind - hi...
Now he's on the Other Side, waiting to move on to the Great Blue Yonder. But he doesn't know how to get there - until he meets Arthur, a small boy in a top hat, who's been dead for years, who helps him say goodbye... 更多...
Publisher's Summary 'You'll be sorry when I'm dead.' That's what Harry said to his sister, before the incident with the lorry. And now he is just that - dead. And he wishes more than anything that he hadn't said it. He wishes he could say sorry. And say goodbye to everyone ...
The Great Blue Yonder作者 Alex Shearer 出版社 经济日报 出版时间 2002年4月 第1版 ISBN 9780330397001 内容简介 'You'llbesorrywhenI'mdead.'That'swhatHarrysaidtohissister,beforetheincidentwiththelorry.Andnowheisjustthat-dead.Andhewishesmorethananythingthathehadn'tsaidit.Hewisheshecouldsaysorry....
the great blue yonder By刘竹月 You'llbesorrywhenI'mdead.That'swhatHarrysaidtohissister,beforetheincidentwiththelorry.Andnowheisjustthat-dead.Nowhe'sontheOtherSide,waitingtomoveontotheGreatBlueYonder.Buthedoesn'tknowhowtogetthere-untilhemeetsArthur,asmallboyinatophat,who'sbeendeadforyears,whohelp...
Now he's on the Other Side, waiting to move on to the Great Blue Yonder. But he doesn't know how to get there - until he meets Arthur, a small boy in a top hat, who's been dead for years, who helps him say goodbye... 年份: 2010 ...
Sometimes I just want to fly off to the wild blue yonder, an idiom meaning to leave and never to return. And some day, perhaps, I will. Hopefully in the Rapture. Who would have ever thought we would be living in a world where Bruce wants to be Caitlin, men want to marry men, ...
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The Great Blue Yonder by Alex Shearer | Audiobook | Audible.comO网页链接'You'll be sorry when I'm dead.'That's what Harry said to his sister, before the incident with the lorry. And now he is just that - dead.And he wishes more than anything that he hadn't said it. He wishes ...