Triple Trident BLU 81 1 Spell 300 2s 90s 2y 0y Delivers a threefold attack, each hit with a potency of 150.This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Tingle BLU 82 1 Spell 200 2s 2.5s 20y 6y Deals lightning damage to target and all enemies nearby it with ...
I'm still wondering why that translucent yellow area to the left of the yellow ring is still present though. As far as I can tell, you're trying to give the impression that the ring is spinning around the logo without quite succeeding (probably because that effect is missing on the ...
This logo looks nicer than the last one and certainly more lightweight. I'm still wondering why that translucent yellow area to the left of the yellow ring is still present though. As far as I can tell, you're trying to give the impression that the ring is spinning around the logo wit...