Your average blue whale size comparison to the male sperm whale weighs around 90,000 pounds or around 45 tons. The blue whale, however, can weigh up to 330,000 pounds. So not only are blue whales almost double the size of sperm whales, but they’re also almost triple the weight. The ...
My sister and I decided to surprise our parents with a whale watching tour with Maya’s Legacy. We thought it would be a nice nerdy cruise with naturalists even if, as the staff said, we weren’t guaranteed to see whales. Boy were we ever the luckiest though! More on that later. We...
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says that because there are so few whales already, losing three to five from the California whale population every year is a significant loss. “The estimated population of blue whales in this part of the Pacific is 2,500”, says Sean...