Blue whale sound production has been thought to occur by Helmholtz resonance via air flowing from the lungs into the upper respiratory spaces. This implies that the frequency of blue whale vocalizations might be directly proportional to the size of their sound-producing organs. Here we present a...
It's not just the adults that are record-breakers; blue whale newborns can be 2–3 tonnes (4,400–6,600 lb) and up to 8 m (26 ft) long, easily making them the Largest offspring Found in all the world’s oceans, the blue whale travels thousands of miles every ye...
We hoped that the fine weather would stay for several more hours so that we could embark on our whale watching cruise in the afternoon. It was 2.3km from Shiretoko Pass to the trailhead of Lake Rausu Trail. About five minutes after we walked down the road from the parking lot of ...
he never plumbed in the sink. But it & everything else seems to be there. So with the help of the lady, we’re gonna gut the interior, patch whatever needs patched, re-paint