安装系统或升级补丁的时候提示STOP 0x0000007E, SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED,是因为您使用的是非官方的系统,而是被人修改的系统,比如:深度、雨林木风、番茄花园等,而这些系统可能存在注册表错误,导致提示:STOP 0x0000007E,所以修改注册表后,就可以解决这个问题了 一、进入安全模式:1、请...
Blue screen error with stop code SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Start a conversation Are you having HotKey issues? Click here for tips and tricks. Create an account on the HP Community to personalize your profile and ask a question Your account...
第一步:点击开始-->运行:regedt32, 找到[HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Currentcontrol set\\control\\session manager\\memory management], 在右侧新建双字节值\\"TrackLockedPages\\", 值为1. 这样Windows便会在错误再次出现时跟踪到是哪个驱动程序的问题. 第二步:如果再次出现蓝屏, 那么错误信息会变成: STOP:0x0000000CB(...
第一步:点击开始-->运行:regedt32, 找到[HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Currentcontrol set\\control\\session manager\\memory management], 在右侧新建双字节值\\"TrackLockedPages\\", 值为1. 这样Windows便会在错误再次出现时跟踪到是哪个驱动程序的问题. 第二步:如果再次出现蓝屏, 那么错误信息会变成: STOP:0x0000000CB(...
0x0000003B: SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION 0x000000D1: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL 0x1000007E: SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Knowing these codes can help you narrow down the cause of the BSOD and take appropriate action. FAQ: Common Questions About the Blue Screen of Death ...
However, many players have reported vgk.sys blue screen error, which occurs while they are launching, loading, or playing Valorant. The BSOD could be caused by many reasons, and there are multiple different error codes, such as: SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED ...
The computer may stop responding and display following error on a blue screen: Stop Code: SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED What failed: UcmUcsi.sys This occurs when the UCSI (USB Type-C Connector System Software Interface) option is enabled in the BIOS (F10). ...
第一步:点击开始-->运行:regedt32, 找到[HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Currentcontrol set\\control\\session manager\\memory management], 在右侧新建双字节值\\"TrackLockedPages\\", 值为1. 这样Windows便会在错误再次出现时跟踪到是哪个驱动程序的问题. 第二步:如果再次出现蓝屏, 那么错误信息会变成: STOP:0x0000000CB(...
Blue Screen/Bugcheck Bug check 0x124 after a Windows in-place upgrade on Apple devices Computers crash with error code 0x113 Configure system failure and recovery options Event ID 41 "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first" ...
VM stops at "Checking file system" screen Azure VM cannot RDP - driver IRQL not less or equal Azure VM cannot RDP - working on features Cannot start or stop my VM VM restarts or stops unexpectedly VM extensions not operating correctly Cannot activate my Windows VM Configuration and S...