bright/dark/light/pale blue 明亮的 / 深 / 浅 / 淡蓝色 来自牛津词典 2. The room was decorated in vibrant blues and yellows. 房间内部以鲜明的蓝色和黄色作为装饰。 来自牛津词典 3. She was dressed in blue. 她身着蓝色服装。 来自牛津词典 4. The decision came out of the blue. 这个决定来得...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Sneaked' or 'Snuck': Which is correct? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
置顶 【壕豆字幕组】跟金卡戴珊逛4万平方英尺的SKKN工作室| RoomTour 整个设计无一不透露着极简裸色风格紧密贴合品牌理念 前厅维持家庭与工作平衡的方式 杂志墙边细数当年点滴最重要是能与热辣的老板共事谁会不羡慕呢#宝藏二创榜# #Kim Kardashian# #Kendall Jenner# ...展开全文...
如果不能如愿,他就会大声抗议。until you are blue in the face 任凭你磨破嘴皮 You can tell her to clean her room until you are blue in the face, but she won't do it.任凭你磨破嘴皮叫她打扫自己的房间,她也不会去做的。out of the blue 出乎意料地;突然 One day, out of the blue, ...
距离最近的地标 Aviv Motel 90米 E-Surf 170米 Daniel's Deli Delicates 200米 埃拉特中央公交车站 220米 Michlin 290米 查看周边地标 有用信息 性价比 7.4 位置评分 7.2 蓝色酒店提供的房型 还不错 客房品质及舒适度 7.6 更多客房图片和详情 基础双床间 (Basic Twin Room) 客房面积:12 m² 景观: 城景 ...
Blue Room - Eliane Elias (伊莲·伊莱亚斯) We'll have a blue room A new room for two room Where every day's a holiday Because you're married to me Not like a ballroom A small room a hall room Where you can smoke you pipe away With my wee head upon you knee We ...
Emmeline Lestrange: That's a lie! You're always staring at my buppies. Richard Lestrange: Only 'cause they look so funny! You know what you look like now, Em? You look like one of those pictures Paddy had in his drawer. One of his Hoochie Coochie girls! Alternate versions The version...
Ming客房(双床)-可使用泳池 (Ming Twin Room with Pool Access) 客房面积:34 m² 景观: 泳池景观 2张单人床 输入日期查看房价 更多客房图片和详情 Liang双床房 (Liang Twin Room) 客房面积:34 m² 景观: 庭院景观 2张单人床 输入日期查看房价 更多客房图片和详情 两卧室联排别墅(不在酒店内) (Two-Be...
Heaven Down 12. Everlasting Friend 13. 18th Floor Balcony Approaching Normal ©2008 1.WEIGHT OF THE WORLD 2.SAY IT 3.DIRT ROOM 4.BEEN DOWN 5.MY NEVER 6.SHOULD BE LOVED 7.KANGAROO CRY 8.PICKING UP PIECES 9.JUMP ROPE 10.BLUE SKIES 11.BLUE DOES 12.THE END 13.For the love ...